Wednesday, 29 July 2009

Lesson day with an EE instructor!

I am rubbish at writes ups so I will appologise before I start but the first thing I want to say is thank you to Lou for giving me confidence in what I am doing with Livvi and I think that is worth a million of anything else The lesson was brilliant, Lou focused totally on the positive and not on what I was doing wrong which was very refreshing not once did I hear her say, don't do something (like I use to much rein in halt) but just suggested how what I am doing might be improved. This made me feel far more at ease, made me more positive and able to ask questions without feeling like I was an idiot!

So, this lady arrives looking round a bit lost and as she was wearing jods, I deduced that this must be Lou! Poor woman had to watch me fumble and try to put a bridle on the wrong way round before we were ready to start, so I confidently tell her that I usually do a couple of minutes in hand just to get Livvi listening (and I think how good she is in hand so Lou will see what a star my pone is!) and she agrees we should start as we normally do.....only Livvi is a little wound up due to Helen and Spirit coming over for a lesson too (well Spirit actually, she has mest Helen before and Helen is human so no worries there! ). So my in hand work is rushed, charging through the bridle and I am totally embaressed!

So I say, I think I will just get on Livvi doesn't stand for me to get on (and she always does, I promise Lou, she is normally a rock! ) and then off we go at motor walk and jig and neigh and I'm thinking "oh s**t" this is it, she is going to do something terrible and I'm going to fall off but despite my wild predictions, we walked a few circles with me chattering nonsense and we soon had plod pony back! So I am VERY VERY VERY about this Livvi hasn't been ridden for that length of time ever so she did get a bit fed up bless her and it didn't help that Lou and I chatted most of the lesson away so Livvi got a bit bored!

We worked on my seat and following with my seat bones and then halt with less rein and discussed that I struggle too because she is not keeping a rythm. The halt was brill, I found that I use too much rein because I try to catch her but if I let her drift into it she does stop so I need to work on this, just giving a light rein aid with a quick release but using my seat in the first instance and hopefully she will stop the drift!Lou said that I need to work on forward the most, Livvi will amble is she can, so that then we can feel each other and she will stop when I stop! We looked at her doing of my leg and if she didn't first time then backing it up with the schooling whip on her hip or my boot, whatever works. But we aren't going to get anywhere unless we have forward! I also said that I was having some problems with steering, especially on the left rein but this was easily solved by never turning in the same place we are so intent on going round on a circle or within boundaries but the answer is just obvious!!!

So we tried a trot to finish and I was again, Livvi had been fab the past couple of days, trot has been forward but what did I get today? Resistance!! and when I asked on the right rein we got hissy fit! Its the worst thing she has done (so I am VERY pleased again! ) but she lifted her back and went all wooden and threatened to buck..cue me yelling don't you bloody dare, giving a bit of a pony club kick and generally making a fuss! I was pleased that Lou said I did the right thing! but I couldn't show off our spectacular trot! Why don't they ever behave in company

I think the biggest thing I will take away from today is that Lou said we all make mistakes and as long as Livvi does as I ask, even if I am not asking in the right way, then thats fine! I need to be positive in what I am asking Livvi even if I am not quite 100% sure its right, and if I ask for it wrong then we can fix that because I won't do it again!

Monday, 27 July 2009

Livvi and Drum!

I'm getting worse at posting on here, there's probably ,loads to tell but I can't remember what!

Tomorrow I am having a much needed lesson with Livvi! I need it for me and livvi needs it for me! lol! We did have some success today though! We trotted a whole circle to the right!! But left, it just wasn't going to happen...its funny cos in hand everything left is easier but ridden its going better left! She is napping and falling through her shoulder and I know that I am battling her and its not working! So lesson is definitely needed! She is great though,very chilled ridden where as on the lunge she sees fit to play up and canter off when she feels like it!

Drummer is his usual star self! We have a strip mown around the edges of the field and we put some XC jumps up and now we have a race track! Its brill fun! :-D Even lazy Drum likes to gallop up it! Wow he felt little today after riding Livvi! lol!

I also have a trial Vogue saddle at the momet which I am in love with, so it looks like the CC is going to take a bashing!!!!!!

Thursday, 23 July 2009

Just some musings about both my pones!

I was thinking about how well Livvi has settled in, she is alot more comfortable to be left on her own now and doesn't kick the door down every time someone walks past. Her cheeky personality is starting to show through as her anxiety about being here has decreased and she is more interested in people rather than worrying where Drum is.

In the field she is quite a dominant member of the herd, Brook is still boss but they all follow Livvi when she walks off and she holds her own. She will come and find out what you are doing if you are poo picking is starting to come to me when she sees me.

Handling Livvi has always been quite easy but she is a well mannered mare most of the time...she does have her moments but this is usually when something has upset her and she just doesn't listen to you. She has improved vastly with her feet and will stand to be groomed for hours!

Drummer has also matured, I really noticed it when I schooled him for the first time in months, he just slipped back into it with no problem. He is still my cheeky pony who gets away with blue murder but ridden he is fab....he is much more forward and he carries himself corrctly without asking instead of slobbing along, it only takes a tickle of the rein and a bit of leg to get him to round and come onto the bridle.

Drummer has also found a new liking for speed, something which he has always been too layed back for and for the first time yesterday, we had a controlled gallop without it being a fast canter that fell into gallop as part of a race. It felt AMAZING!! So smooth and balanced.

So all in all, I have 2 fantastic pones :-D

Sunday, 19 July 2009

Update for the week!

Things have been coming on well with Livvi. After our disaster monday we had a lovely ride tuesday, she was responsive and listening and we had a trot with my mum on Drummer, right round the paddock.

Wednesday we continued with loading practice and actually shut the back door of the lorry, she jumped 6 foot in the air when it slammed but was quite happy to load again and didn't jump so high 2nd time round! I am so pleased by this as I would really love to take her to Saras at some point to play in a school! And I have all sorts of plans to box out hacking and go to shows :-D

So somehow I got to Saturday without having done any more with Livvi and I had planned to lunge before I got on but Marie was riding and she said come for a walk, so I just got on!!! Well, a total non event, she took it all in her stride and we we went for a walk and a trot following Billy round the big field, she was as good as gold apart from when we were troting towards home and she decided this was definitely the way she wanted to go! lol! If I had let her she would have cantered! So we stopped and walked!

After that warm up I decided some serious schooling was in order and found that we had la la land pony, walking through the bridle and not listening at all.......I am beginning to find that this is the case for the first 10 minutes of every ride (it was masked at first by following Billy) and I just persisted and had to get quite firm a couple of times and suddenly she just clicks......I am trying to get her to halt from my seat but she is listening to my voice and a lift of the rein more but I will keep working on it. She is becoming very responsive to my leg which is fab and the trot transition only needs a quiet reminder. Steering is my biggest issue, if she wants to go a certain way, she is light and responsive, if she doesn't then she will set her neck and kind of locks up or just shoots out sideways through her shoulder but because she is not soft in front the outside rein is inaffective although she does listen to my outside leg and I can push her round the turn.....its a steep learning curve for me and hopefully I have a lesson this week as I am at the point where I desperately need it!

Sometimes I worry alot about getting it wrong but then I look at Drum and although it took me 5 years I do actually have a responsive pony. I forget that when he came he was overbent, napped, couldn't canter and only did straight lines, so not so different really!

Monday, 13 July 2009

Not always and angel!!

Actually I am quite relieved that she is naughty sometimes! lol! I was beginning to wonder...but it wasn't really that bad.

I took Livvi in the paddock whilst Drum was in sight being ridden by my friend and she was soooo norty on the lunge, she napped and bucked and charged off in canter and generaly threw her toys out of the pram! It took me a good 10 minutes to get her to calm down and even try and listen but she was very funny....when we stopped to change rein and I invited her in she came and hid with her head on my chest, so I think some of it was insecurity about the bigger space (although we have been in there before to lunge) and possibly Drummer could save her! lol!

So on I get....mad do you think I am? I did have my doubts after that display but I was determined and she doesn't worry me at all, which I find strange even to myself! She napped constantly, set her neck, walked through the bridle in halt and was a general pain in the butt, but IO persevered until I had her listening and somewhere near a decent halt and gave up and went for a walk round the field with Drummer.

So guess what we did, we had a proper trot, right up the field following Drummer and it was FANTASTIC!!! Her stride is so long, its hilarious after Drummer but she didn't rush and she listened to me and was a little star......we left Drummer watching and tried on our own and she got the idea of the transition but notthat she had to keep going and it didn't help that she was napping to home.

So a mixed adventure...looking forwards to a lesson!!! Its time!

Saturday, 11 July 2009

Livvi doesn't like....

....side reins!!

Last night I decided drummer could stay out and be a pony and Livvi could come in on her own. Thats a funny thing with her, she is perfectly happy to come in on her own and mooch, eat hay, be worked etc but if you bring her in with others then leave her on her own she goes ballistic!

So I gave her a good groom tacked up in lunging garb and off we went...she was a bit live to start with so I let her trot round and get it out of her system, which she did and then settled nicely, realy listening and trying hard. After a warm up I attached the side reins on the loosest setting. She was good with them, she softened beautifully and worked nicely but she got so cross!! I don't think she likes the feeling of restriction so I decided to give that a miss for the moment...she was hilarious when I took them off, either think she didn't realise they were gone or she was feeling free but when I asked her to go out on the circle again she proper bronko bucked!! EEEk please never let me be on her when she does that!!

So I got the poles out and we did raised trorring poles...that she seems to really enjoy and she worked beautifully, boy can she pick her feet up! :-D

Riding later! Will report back!

Thursday, 9 July 2009


Tonight I had a fab ride on Drummer, he is very forward going at the moment and I think it does us both good that he doesn't get ridden all the time, he is more enthusiastic and I am lovin' it :-D I also think he has matured this year (took long enough!) he is definitely more up and off his forehand than he has ever been and he is starting to carry himself correctly without asking. I schooled him on Sunday for the first time in a month and he was fab!

Anyway, what about my title for today!? Well, that relates to Livvi!

Marie had her lorry open and as we were waiting for the trough to fill, I thought I would see what Livvi made of it...I didn't expect much, considering the last time she went in one she was uprooted and dumped with me!

I opened it all up so that she could walk straight through and then I just walked up the ramp as if I was walking down the field with her...just for a second I thought she wasn't even going to hesitate but she stopped with 2 feet on the ramp. I let her stand and sniff and she huffed and puffed with her worried eye look on! But decided it was worth a good investigation and walked to the top of the ramp where she stopped again...she looked at me and I had some treats so I offered them to her, she looked back but I said that we weren't going that way, my way was the way out! So she looked at me again and you could see her think "oh what the hell, mum seems to think its OK" and walked straight on! :-D

I couldn't quite believe it!! I thoughtit was going to take us weeks to get there. She was keen to get off, so we walked carefully down the side ramp at which point she decided it was OK on there and tried to go back on! lol! So we repeated the exercise but this time with no stops and she didn't want to get off, but have a good look round!

Bless her, I am so proud of her and exstatic that she trusted me enough to follow me up there :-D I shall keep this up every few days and gradually build up to shutting her in etc then hopefully when we do want to go somewhere it will be a total non event!

Tuesday, 7 July 2009

Just like a "proper" horse :-D

I did the same routine as yesterday, except the heavens opened and we had to stand under the shelter between lunge and ride..Livvi then felt that she just had to go with Drummer (my mum was riding!) and we had march towards where Drum was and dawdle away preferably grinding to a halt!

So, as my plan yesterday was to work on impulsion and I cannot bear a napping horse I grapped my schooling whip and off we first Livvi was resistant all round, falling through her shoulder, not listening to me leg and resisting the contact ...BUT... it took a good 10 minutes ...BUT...she started to listen AND respond!!!! Yipeeeeee! It was magic! Suddenly napping pony realise that we weren't going to see Drummer whatever she did and we were definitely going where mum wanted to go and we were going at the speed mum dictated!

I didn't do anything difficult, just calmly and consistantly walked a figure of 8, backing up my leg with a flick of the schooling whip when she didn't respond and I was careful not to drag her round the circle but keep a fiem outside rein and ask for the turn using a pressure and release open rein which she caught on to exeedingly quickly.

I am really chuffed with where we are but I need to know that I am heading in the right direction so I am hopefully having an EE lesson very soon!

Monday, 6 July 2009

First trot, first Buck!!!!

and it was pathetic! lol!

Tonight Jane came over and rode Drummer for me while I lunged Livvi and then had the intention of having a walk round the field following Drummer, but things never quite go as you plan!!

Livvi lunged beautifully, really listened and went over the trotting poles like a pro so on I get and off we go down the field, but 20 yards in and the rain starts, apparantly it is totally unacceptable to do anything at all in the rain! lol! So bum swing round and there we stand! I could agree that it was quite yuck and it was a good lesson in standing around so we stood...for a bit....then we fidgeted then we reversed into Drummer and then we got really antsy when Drum went in front to walk round and we threatened to bite him, then we got alongside and threatened to kick him and then we got in front and all was roses!

This was getting a bit out of my comfort zone so we decided back in the paddock was better. Livvi was great, she was much much better in her mouth and as long as I kept the outside rein firm the steering was great, we had less forward though but it was calm and there was movement so I am not pushing that just yet.

So........I though I might just try a trot!.........1st attempt we stumbled into it and stopped..2nd attempt 2 whole stumbles...3rd attempt might actually have been a stride of trot and final and forth attempt I flicked her with the whip, she bucked and off we went, 3 entire trot strides :-D The buck was totally pathetic so if thats the worst she ever does I will be one happy girl! Bless her, her ears were all over the place, she was definitely giving me the "you expect me to TROT with YOU on my back!! Are you BONKERS! Its just not possible!"

Anyway I decided that I wasn't focused enough on my ridden today (it was fun though!) and I need to plan my sessions more carefully...I am also going to leave trot until I feel I have enough forward in walk to achieve it. I am going to focus on instant response to my leg and improving the impulsion of the walk.

Saturday, 4 July 2009

Wahoo, we have forward!

Today I worked Livvi in hand to get her listening before I got on and guess what? She has worked out what my leg means! Not even a hesitation!! So I did lots of circles and halts so she listened to me and we finished off with walk round the bigger field with Billy :-D

Contact is the biggest problem, in hand today she wasn't great but on she was awful, just hanging off my hands and gaping her mouth...I definitely need help with this.

Sorry, short and sweet!

Wednesday, 1 July 2009

A fab week so far!

Well, Monday night Caragh lunged Livvi for me, we tried the side reins for the first time but she is resistant to them. Its funny how accepting of the contact she is in hand and yet not so lunged or in long reins. Caragh is great at lunging, she has been taught properly but the problem is, she doesn't use the same tone of voice as I watched carefully so that I can get it right myself. Livvi was also a complete loon as we took her in the bigger field but it was nice to see her let off a bit of steam.

So Tuesday after a short in hand session to settle her, I got on again, with dad as chief whip flicker :-D
as you can see it went well, Livvi gives me bags of confidence, she is so chilled and listens to me so carefully. My biggest fear was that she was going to frighten me and that I would not be able to continue with her backing but it is totally the opposite....I know I shouldn't become complacent but this all feels so right!

She is much better with the contact when ridden, stearing is not an issue although I think she can get a little confused between turn and stop...forward is getting better, it takes a second for her to process what I am asking but she is starting to walk on nicely and dad only had to use the whip once or twice....We even ventured out of the round pen and had a walk round the paddock with dad at her head.

So tonight I lunged Livvi myself, Caraghs proper lunging had been a good lesson for both of us and apart from her tendancy to drift in towards me we did fab! Livvi listens to my voice much more than Caraghs and she was definitely more relaxed with me. We had some lovely transitions up and down and she even managed to ignore Drummer leaving her! She is very relaxed working with me and always comes in with a soft eye looking chilled, I wonder how much is me and how much is endorphines released by exercise? I'm starting to worry that my biggest problem will be getting her going! lol!

Then just because I can, I stuck my hat on and rode her bare back around the paddock :-D she took it all in her stride, although a bit more topline is needed before I try that again!!!

Saturday, 27 June 2009

Well, she learns quickly!!!

I rode Livvi again today! :-D She tried to get grass once and then gave up and listened! My friend Jane helped out and when we got "stuck" she swished the whip behind Livvi which got her going! Liv strode out much better and even though Jane hid the whip, she knew it was there! lol! I felt totally at home and comfortable....actually riding today was better than the long reining, I long reined before I rode and she was quite resistant, I think the signals to the bit are just too dulled down but once I was on she was light and responsive....this was with the new JP french is actually too large BUT she was sooooo much better in it.

I also think that once I am on I am confident in my ability to ride where as long reining is something that I have learnt recently and I am not sure of myself.

Acceptance of the contact

Last night I long reined Livvi and she definitely goes off the click of the tongue rather than "walk on" but I use both. I worked her in the car park away from grass, it takes her a good 10 minutes to really listen to me and focus, I find she pulls towards home on every circuit which is annoying as then she is fighting with my contact and starts gaping her mouth. I did lots of transitions through walk halt and trot, concetrating on making har stand in halt and not just march off the minute she feels like it and gradually she stopped napping, accepted the bit better and softened, so today I am going to long rein before I ride I think.

I am still struggling with the bit, I think it is definitely too fat, I had a look in her mouth and it sits on her tongue and touches the roof of her mouth, there is just no room in there. I like the NS bits with the lozenge, she sucks it! lol! But I have bought a 2nd hand JP french link, it has a slightly curved mouth piece which is supposed to relieve the pressure on the edges of the tongue, if we find this is the bit for us they do a loose ring with a lozenge and NS make the Verdiband which is shaped although it might be a bit thin.

Wednesday, 24 June 2009

Solo on Livvi!!!

I am on cloud 9, we did some in hand work and once she was working and listening, we went into the round pen and on I popped!

My first problem is getting her to stand still on grass (actually she is not one to stand still its boring :-D ) she paws and wants to eat so I MUST work on this soon, I think I will try the clicker again as I can't see another way......So Jeanette (my 13 year old camera girl!) stood by her head while I got on and we were away. At first Livvi backedup and wanted grass but I persevered and she listened and away we went....I was very nervous, there is a history of bucking fromwhen they tried backing her as a 3 year old but she was chilled and happy so I am REALLY pleased.

Steering was very hit and miss, a couple of times we almost slimed along the walls :-D she was quite fussy in her mouth and I don't feel like she was trasnfering what I have been doing in hand and on long reins at all, this is just new! I also think her new bit is too fat and I have got JP french link coming.

We ground to a halt several times and she responded better to me clicking my tongue rather than my voice but I do think she started to think about my leg and our first halt was lovely...the end one isn't as she was heading for the gate and freedom! lol!

I am really really pleased with her, her ears were everywhere but mostly one was on me and at one point she did proper floppy donkey chilled I just have to take this forward, its soooooooooooo exciting! lol!

Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Stressy mares!!!!

Well, tonights plan was in hand work and then a short ride with my dad to help, but best laid plans and all that........????!!!

My mum was riding Drummer and I left Livvi in on her own while I poo picked but she had a total stress and nearly climbed out of her stable!!!! This is the first time that she has done that....last night she was fine when we all left her. She did chill when I went to her which is a good signe but I thought a ride might be a very bad idea!! so I just put her halter and line on with the intention of some in hand lunge type work to reafirm our relationship and destress her....Cue Livvi doing wall of death in mad trot!! totally ignoring me and being a total pratt! Followed by catching mum out and cantering off down the field lunge line trailing until she got to Drummer, where she stopped and watched me walk towards her! Little madam then followed me back to the yard like butter wouldn't melt!

So keeping the line short we tried again and I found that Livvi can canter 5 meter circles which I thought was most impressive! lol! Actually, she calmed right down, realised that I was NOT giving up, started to listen and we managed to do some nice work for 5 minutes....I was very tempted to get the saddle out as she totally chilled but decided that if anything went wrong then I would blame her earlier stress....maybe tomorrow!

Monday, 22 June 2009

Drummers turn

Feel a bit bad as I talk about Livvi constantly but never mention Drummer! Things just sort of sail on as normal with him though!

I managed to buy Drum a 2nd hand thorowgood pony club saddle which fits him a treat and is great for his little sharer and her mum so that I can use myFhoenix on Livvi.

Headshaking is at a minimum although the grass pollen isn't doing him much good, he gets a bit twitchy. I have been using the nasal spray that the vet gave him and eye drops when I ride and fingers crossed we have the odd snort and tick but nothing like I have known him to be!

Last night I rode with Marie, caragh and Jeanette and we had a lovely time, it was a bit warm but Drummer was really forward and enthusiastic :-D Its actually nice not to ride him so often, I enjoy it more when I do! Mums turn tomorrow!

Sunday, 21 June 2009

Help at hand!

In the form of Vicky! :-D

A massive thank you to Vicky, firstly for coming over, secondly for helping me with la la land pony and thirdly comes later!

We worked in hand, Vicky took the rein and I was pleased that she felt the change in Livvi since she last visited, sometimes you do wonder if its all in your head! But she quickly establised what I had missed and that Livvi is falling out through her shoulder on the left rein and in on the right rein. Vicky worked her both ways and the difference was amazing, Vicky is a calm teacher and Livvi is a fast learner and it didn't take her long to figure it out. One trick Vicky did show me was to drop the inside rein totally on the left rein and use your left hend on the outside rein, the difference was huge as you could really use it properly and it made a massive difference to the control of Livvis shoulders. Hopefully Vicky will coment and add to this as I am naf at write ups but here is us using the outside rein.

So now for thirdly :-D I tacked Livvi up fully and with Vicky in charge of Livvis head (mostly to stop her eating!) as my security blanket we had a proper walk around the paddock, I picked up a light contact and was pleased to feel she was there atthe end of the rein. I was VERY nervous (mainly its because if things go wrong then I will worry even more!) but with Vicky reminding me to breathe we did 2 circuits of the paddock one on each rein and I asked for the halt at the end and got it. I was realy pleased with Livvi, she was relaxed and totally cool about the whole thing!

So what time are you coming tonight Vicky? lol!

Saturday, 20 June 2009

Long reining.

Today we tried long reining with the new bit. With the bit set at the same height as yesterday, Livvi got her tongue straight over......I have thought about this and I think it is to do with the direction the bit is working in her mouth, in hand the focus is on up toward the corners of her mouth but with the long reinging, there is more pressure on her tongue as the reins run through loops on the roller below her withers.

I took the bit up a hole which stopped her tongue trouble and then concentrated on keeping the contact light so that there was no discomfort and if she did nap or pull away, I dropped the contact as a reward when she did as I asked. I must have been doing something right as after 20 minutes work she suddenly got light and round on the circle......we were doing walk trot walk transitions in the car park (Iam trying to condition her feet a bit too!) and it was lovely, she was working through from behind, really stepping under through the transition and softening in front, listing to my rein aid and my voice, but as per everything we couldn't mimic it on the other rein!

I feel that we took another step forward today and that Livvi is really starting to understand the contact and how to carry herself, its sooooo exciting!!!!

A new bit!

I found a bargain bit on ebay so just had to have it, its a brand new NS tranz lozenge with full cheeks and I payed half what they cost in the shop!!!

So last night I tried it on Livvi.....I wasn't sure at first because it is thicker than her other one and so I wondered if she would like it, but we did some in hand work and it was the best yet...even if she is finding it a bit thick she is obviously prefering the action and way it sits in her mouth as opposed to the hanging cheek. :-D

I am going to Long rein her today and see how we get on, hopefully turning will be easier and she will get clearer signals from me.

Thursday, 18 June 2009

Guess what Livvi and I did today?

I had it all planned and I think she knew, she kept sniffing me and I was a bit nervy!

We had a fab in hand session (so different to yesterday you wouldn't believe!) and she is always lovely and calm after these so we went in the round pen with the idea of getting on and actually trying for some forward movement....the getting on went perfectly but the forward was not happening as I couldn't get Livvi to keep her head off the floor! I had a head collar on with reins as well as her bridle but the head collar didn't work and I was worried about jabbing her in the mouth!

So...we went up to the car park and the yard!!! Mad I know but I decided that the ground is actually probably just as hard and all in the mind! So on I get again and off we go, right round the stable block and back! :-D I was pooing my pants and grinning at the same time! lol!

Now I have had time to reflect I'm bouncing and have also analysed what went on: She was as good as gold and let me steer her but she was nervous and her ears were flicking everywhere, I don't think she had made the connection that it was me on her back! I asked her to walk on and she listened with total focus on me but just stood in slight confusion, it took ages before she kind of clicked and moved but I praised her and while we had forward I left her alone. Stopping was interesting, same problem, it took ages for it to sink in!

I used my leg very lightly and the same with the reins but I feel a bit unsure myself, she is so responsive to my voice on the long reins and lunging I honestly just thought she would understand when I was sat on!

Can't wait for next time! :-D

Wednesday, 17 June 2009


In hand!! Tonight was awful, Livvi was in la la land! I got more and more steamed up over la la land pony! The more frustrated I got the more she looked at me with a whats your problem look in her eyes...aaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrgggggggggg!

I should be pleased though, me being stressed a few weeks ago would have sent her into orbit and stress mode too! lol!

After 45 minutes...YES, 45 minutes, we eventually got 3 strides (well it was probably a bit more than that but!!!!) of slow controlled work on each rein!!! I quit while the going was good!


Tuesday, 16 June 2009

I am officialy rubbish at lunging!!

I decided that Livvi and I should do something a bit fittening today and a bit different so I lunged her off the halter, just getting her to walk and trot off my voice and then add in some poles. It went OK for the first bit, although she seems to get me moving almost as much as her!!! We did some poles and she was really stretching and working through her back but I struggle to steer her to get her straight fro them and Livvi knows that she has been round both ways and don't I know that its time to stop! lol!

So along comes Caragh (she is 17 and at equine college) says this is how you do it and after Livvi having a 2 minute, your not my mum moment, she goes absolutely perfectly....Caragh and I then put the poles into a small jump and Livvi loved it now that the person in charge is facing her where she needs to go, she isn't going to be a fast jumper but she can jump and I hope that once she gets a rider on board her enthusiasm continues.

Caragh is now ordered to Lunge Livvi once a week! lol! It will catually do Livvi good to have another person work her from time to time.

Monday, 15 June 2009

Cracked it!

I have put the bit up and Livvi is much better, fiddling with it less and her tongue stayed where its meant too! We shall see if it lasts!

Gill made a comment that maybe she was doing it because of too strong a contact and that could be the case when we are long reining, not because I have a strong contact but because she is napping towards home slightly on a circle, sort of pulling me with her and therefor is creating the stong contact herself. She is better in the small paddock by the stables but this has too much grass and she wants to eat, so we have been in the bottom paddock further from the stables......hmmm, its a hard one!

Very pleased with Livvi though, she is getting the idea nicely, she walks and trots on comand on the circle and she is lovely and forward, she halts beautifully and really listens to me.....she got scared and spooked because a dog jumped at the fence in one of the gardens but came back to me really quickly.....I then took her in the big field nearest the orchard, we have never been there before, and although she was hesitant, she listened to me and walked on when I asked. :-D

If I have time tomorrow I am going to lunge her over poles, I want to see if she is pulling towards home on the lunge too. Then wednesday I shall do inhand work and then my dad will be there so its time for another sit on! :-D

Saturday, 13 June 2009

Tongue over the bit!

Today we did some in hand work and then some long reining.. the in hand work didn't go so well, Livvi was walking through my hand, but it wasn't until we were long reining and she had her tongue over the bit that I realised she may have been doing it in hand!

It was very frustrating, she would be fine for a bit then I'd notice her go really mouthy and she had it over! Its quite funny though as she just lets you stick your finger in her mouth and poke it back!! lol! I put the cheek pieces up by 3 holes ( in total, not both sides) and I think she was OK at the end but I'm not sure if the bit is now too high!

I had brill fun long reining though, she did her first buck :-D all because she wasn't listening so I flicked the whip at her. She made me laugh, it was so half hearted. lol! We also went up the drive and she marched along happy as can be...we met Simon on the lawn mower and although she kept an eye and ear on it, she wasn't overly bothered. :-D

The more I do with her, the more I think she is ready for a rider! I was considering what is holding me back and there isn't anything, just my own fear that it will all go pear shaped I suppose! I told everyone that I needed to long rein for at leats 2 weeks after sitting on her, yet todays she proved that I don't need to be there for her to feel safe. The in hand work is fab and she is moving off my slightest touch and she is even starting to respond to my body language.

Livvi is so clever that once she has learnt something she gets bored, thats how it is with the in hand work, we repeat last times moves and she does it perfectly but if you keep persisting she gives you the whole I've just done that routine! My thought was to get on and get get hacking, to keep her interested whilst continuing schooling on long reins and in hand.

If you could see me now, I'm frowning!

Thursday, 11 June 2009

A nice little walk!

I was going to tack up and have another sit on last night but I rode Drummer who was really spooky after the dog incident and I didn't have the enthusiasm so we went for a walk. At first it was just going to be up the drive and back but we got there and I thought what the hell, lets go up the hill! So off we went and Livvi was a star! Its the first time she has been up the orchard without Drummer and she wasn't worried in the slightest. She had a good munch on the way up as the grass is at nose height!! lol! She was happy to plod along behind me and even walked past the "scary bag thats caught in the grass" with only an ear on it! :-D

I was worried about Livvi being spooky but I think as long as nothing really scares her, she may look worried but she will accept it and move on. She is very interested in her suroundings and I made sure she stayed focused on me by playing some games and asking for turns on the forehand and halts from time to time. Anyway, after climbing the hill I had had my exercise for the day!! lol!

Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Long reining!

Firstly, thank you so much everyone for your comments. Gill, your comment made my day and Vicky, Hello (waves) :-D

So last night we did some in hand work to start with, Livvi was a bit funny with her girth but I think she is in season....actually thats another story, she seems to fancy Bill, she keeps making amourous advances towards him but poor Bill has no idea and just looks paniced! lol! So funny!.....anyway, the in hand work was the best yet, she is amazing and its me struggling to keep up with her and her rather sharp mind! The left rein was so light she was like a feather!! Right has a way to go but its there! We are working on shoulder in but I'm a bit worried that she is going through her shoulder rather than having correct bend! I have to also watch that she doesn't disengage her hindquarters when we are on a circle, she is becoming far to flexible!!

Then for the first time, I started long reining...other than getting her tongue over the bit twice it went really well, she was a bit over bent at times but I was confident and so was she so we ventured into a bigger space and we even had a small trot! I did more on the right rein than the left, we are both less comfortable this way so I thought it was important. We did lots of transitions and she got the hang of it really quickly, she wants to turn and look at you when we stop though which turns us into a wiggly worm, lol! Then plenty of rein changes, she was so focused, both ears on me bless her, but she really tried and I much prefer it to lunging!

As for Drummer, his new saddle arrived, yipeeeeeeee! Its a 16" thorowgood pony club saddle and it fits him a treat, its had a bit of use but its fab! I had a ride in it Tuesday and he was really forward, I even popped a jump and think that I might stick with it for jumping, over the Fhoenix, I can't block him in the same way! I think my mum might find it easier and it was better for my hip!

Tuesday, 9 June 2009

I thought it was probably time for an update!!

Firstly, a picture speaks 1000 words!

Yes!!! I got on her! Yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! She is VERY wide and I am going to struggle in my Fhoenix standard but for the moment, it serves a purpose!

Our relationship is great, actually its almost too great, I wanted to get on her but she wouldn't stand still for anyone else, hence why we resorted to grass! Now I have to persuade her that she can move and its not all about eating! lol! I'm not planning on that yet though, I want to consolidate the in hand work and do some long reining to get her used to me being further away!.......I have done some lunging but it winds her up, where as the in hand work she is calm and focused!

My other problem is desensitising her. Yesterday she totally stressed because Drummer went in (he wasn't working with us) BUT if no one is around to start with, she focuses on me! I suppose this will come with time! I also need to get her out and about a bit more, she feels very secure on the yard and in the paddock but the minute you leave she is on high alert. I feel vulnerable leading her though as she feels apt to run me over!!

Nearly 9 weeks though so I am grinning from ear to ear! I adore Livvi, she is fab!

Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Playing with poles

Well, last night I decided that lunging was boring so we would forget the bridle, side reins and roller, stick on the halter and get some poles out!

Miss uncoordinated was surprisingly OK! We had a few minor misshaps as Livvi couldn't decide where her feet belong! and she got more and more excited by the game and slipped on the grass so we had to chill out with a walk and call it a day. But we managed some nice work and a raised pole at the end which she trotted over nicely, no leaps and to be honest I think this benefited her more than side reins and lunging!

Tonight I think I will do some in hand work and maybe some long reining.

As for Drummer, he is getting on so well with his little sharer, last night they went for a big walk round the woods and orchard and that does him the world of good.

I have found him a treed saddle on ebay at last, its a 16" xw thorowgood pony club saddle so can't wait for that to arrive, I want to try it to see if it makes him different to the Fhoenix!

Sunday, 31 May 2009

Guess what I did last night?

As well as working Livvi in hand, I tacked her up, just happened to have my hat on so I thought I would do a bit of something different........I didn't sit on her yet but.....I leant right over and she walked off round the yard with me laughing and wiggling and se didn't bat an eyelid, I stood in the stirrup from both sides and leant up her nekc, pulled the saddle about and generaly made a bit of a to do out of the whole thing! She couldn't have cared less! :-D

All tacked up and no where to go!

Saturday, 30 May 2009

Things get better and better!

We definitely have the in hand work cracked :-D Today, we did 2 perfect straight lines so I moved onto circles and she has totally GOT IT! Livvi is a dream to work with, she is totally focused on what we are doing and tries so dad came to watch us and was very impressed, he said you can see her concentrating and she is desperate to please me...I am so glad that I took the first few weeks slowly, I have definitely built the foundations of a fantastic relationship and I just get a bubble of happiness and pride when I think of how fab she is.

Anyway, we worked on the circle for about 10 minutes, on the right rein we just concentrated on flexion and asking her to open the outside shoulder and even though this is her bad rein, she is almost better at it this way, she tends to drift less. Where as on the left rein she can over bend and that means she falls through her shoulder, you have to be firmer with the outside rein......but on the left rein I have started to ask for leg yield and she tried really hard and gave me a couple of really nice strides...I didn't over do it and left it very positive so hopefully when we pick it up again tomorrow, she will have thought about it.

Finally I decided to put her on the lunge, she needs to work to build some muscle and get a bit fitter and I know she has done this a Gills so its familiar. Again, I couldn't have been more pleased, she is very responsive to my voice so we did lots of transitions from walk to trot and back again with her totally focused and I just LURVE watching her trot! lol! We kept the session short as I don't want to bore her or over tire her and she is so enthusiastic I want her to enjoy and look forward to our sessions.

Did I mention that I adore this mare!

Friday, 29 May 2009


After a miserable start, my brain got coorinated with my hands and I think I have it cracked!!

I think I was doing several things wrong, firstly Livvi is quite claustrophobic and I think we were too near the fence, secondly I was trying too hard and not rewarding every try.

We have had two more sessions since Monday and both have been fab! On the left rein she is light and responsive and I have started some circle work. On the right rein she has lightened right up but I am having resistance with the halt, I know that I am different on the right rein too so some of it could be me!

Circle work is also good, I am asking for flexion and when I get it I am asking her to step over and open the outside shoulder. She is soft and relaxed, I could play all day! Livvi also seems to have taken to this like a duck to water, she is a very bright girl and I think she actually really enjoys what she is doing, you have to drag her back to her stable when we finish. lol!

So onwards and upwards and a huge thank you to Becky for opening this door to us!

Today I also introduced Livvi to the hose as I desperately want to bath her. She couldn't care less about it until water comes out the end and then its OMG I'm getting wet feet, can't you see mum? There is WATER on the ground and its wetting me!!! :-D What a prissy mare! lol! We did some approach and retreat with the water and she got better but I dread to think what she will do if I get all of her wet!

Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Our first attempt alone in hand

Went terribly!

Left rein was actually OK, but right rein was a complete disaster, she just kept leaning on me through her shoulder and barging me away from the fence, if I tried a bit more outside rein then she threw her head in the air...we did get a few nice steps and just when I thought it was going well, she would tense and it would fall apart again! Very frustrating!

Anyway, on consideration when I got home last night I think she gets tense, so I get tense and she kind of panics...I will try again today with the onus on me staying relaxed (well I will try) and perhaps change my fence line so its different for us both.

Saturday, 23 May 2009

Livvi and I have an in hand lesson

Today, Livvi and I had a lesson from Becky (Helen came with Whisper too but I'll let her make her own thread! )I am totally enlightened

Becky knew nothing about Livvi and I was not totally sure what I wanted from the session so after a quick discussion we decided what we both needed was in hand work. And it was EXACTLY what we both needed and I feel like I have the key to my way forward.

Becky took Livvi first to see what she was like and where we needed to head. Livvi is a green youngster and needs to start at the begining so Becky worked her using the fence for support. The aim was/is to get Liv to understand the rein contact and be soft as well as learn what the outside rein means, to lighten the shoulders, to move off the inside shoulder and ensure that they are flexible as well as have control of them so that we get her to lift up in front (and then in future, when tyhis is established we would ask for flexion at the poll and voila! )

When Becky started, Livvi had no idea what was expected of her and wanted Becky to be in the lead but she is a clever girl and soon got the idea. Becky worked her for a good 20 minutes, patiently correcting her and Livvi concentrated so hard I could have cried, I was so pleased to have this door opened to us.Becky makes it looks soooooooo easy where as a felt like I was bumbling along with my tangled knitting! BUT I did feel that towards the end I was getting more confident and when Livvi was light the feeling was awesome .

Sunday, 17 May 2009

Just a quick update all round and to say....

....if you read this then please feel free to comment, its nice to know that someone is looking! (and that means you too Claire! lol!)

Well, Drummers headshaking has settled again thank goodness, although I am still going to chat to the vet as I need emergency measures for bad days. I have spoken to other people with head shakers about last week and they all said the same, so it definitely has something to do with conditions!

and on another note, Drummer now has a new little friend to call his own :-D he has a 6 year old sharer called Rose who absolutely adores him. He is sooooooooo good with kids and although Rose is only a dot, she is full of confidence and I am hoping that this is a match made in heaven!
As for Livvi, things are still going great! I thought I had made a boo last week though...Don (my OH) came to watch us and I showed off, Livvi was great, we did join up and I got her to follow me and then I made the mistake of sending her out again to do some pole work....she was so cross!!! I realised what I had done, I had sent her away when she was being a star and she didn't understand why I was punnishing about feel guilty!
Anyway, since then she has almost concentrated on me more and she HATES it when we do circle work with a rope, she pins her ears and just looks grumpy, but I don't think there is any disrespect meant, its the opposite, she wants to be with me...the minute we stop she has her head in front of me and she has even started sort of nibbling me to say hi! She follows me so closely its funny! I seem to have achieved my join up anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, 14 May 2009

Drummers head shaking

Bit down at the moment. Drummer had been doing really well this year, I have him on Y30 from Trinity consultants and it seemed to be working until this week :-(

He head shook at the fun ride on Sunday but it wasn't as bad as he has done in the past and he had missed 3 days of the supplement over bank holiday so it may have got out of his must be back in now and the past 2 days he has been terrible, even head shaking in the field, standing with his head low, looking miserable and twitching.

I have rung the vet for some advice and I gave him a spray of beconaise which seemed to relieve the him a bit...I think the pollen must have been really high wed and thurs and I will see what he is like now that it has rained, hopefully he will improve.

Tuesday, 12 May 2009

I am LOVING this journey!

I can't help it and I expect that I will fall down sooner or later but at the moment I am in 7th heaven...I adore Livvi, she is so rewarding to work with and I can see everything I do with her working. Its quite a step learning curve for me but I have confidence in my abilities and in how and why I am doing everything that I do, even when others look at me strangely. She is giving so much and she has made me take a look at my own behaviour too!
I can't say much about tonight other than she followed me on a walk down the field (Drum came too at a distance) in very windy conditions that I knew she didn't like but she looked for me to guidance and relaxed and plodded along. We played a circle game on the 12' line and went over trotting poles and she responded to my body language and voice and she gave 100%
Anyway, tires aren't scary especially when they have grass in them, lol!
And on our walk with Drummer!

Monday, 11 May 2009

Fun fun fun!

Had a fantastic day yesterday with Helen and Marie, we went to Admington fun ride :-D Much fun was had by all including some fab gallopies and jumpies....Drummer was a loon and I need to each him to stop!! But to be honest, its the only time we are out of control EVER and its like twice a year! My legs, arms, thighs, fingers and back are all killing me today though! Unfit thats me!!

So whilst Drummer relaxed today, I got Livvi in for a groom and a play...she wasn't keen on the wind and everything was scary but once we were in the round pen and she was concentrating she was fine.

I sent her round in trot again and put some poles out to get her to think a bit but I still worked on the join up principle. She started to lick and chew and so I invited her in and when she didn't, we did it the other way. The 2nd time she turned right in to face me so I invited her to me and she stepped forwards as I went to her....we played follow my leader round the pen but after a few turns she suddenly stopped and refused to move so I sent her out again...the next time I saw her soften, I invited her in and she turned, paused and then walked towards me no hesitation!! :-D We played follow for a couple of minutes then called it a day!

I am VERY pleased with my girlie, she is much more focused on me, interested in what I am doing but polite...I feel that I have made a good start and need to decide what should be my next step!

Saturday, 9 May 2009

More join up :-D

Thursday night I didn't work Olivia at all, just played with Drummer and had a fun ride messing about with a 12 year old!!!

So last night I thought I would give the join up another go. (Livvi could also do with the exercise as spring grass is enlarging my pony! lol!) We made a fab start, I sent her away and round the pen, she had one ear on me and was really concentrating, this time she started to lower her head and lick and chew so I stopped an invited her in... I got a good response, total attention on me, fully focused with her head turned towards me, but she wouldn't move in.....I sent her back the other way (to the right) but interestingly she doesn't like that way at all and when I stopped to invite her in she just turned and ran the other this is where I became unsure and so did she, she upped the pace to canter so I kept her there for a couple of curcuits and then invited her in BUT she wouldn't stop! I even sat in the floor, she had one ear on me and it took about 6 curcuits for her to come done to walk.....I called her name gently and she stopped briefly but then walked on, I persevered, walking towards her slowly side on and guess what???? :-D IT WORKED...she stopped, turned in and I gave a rub and then walked off an she followed me :-D I twisted and turned and then walked back to the yard (we did have one stop for a mouthful of grass) but I walked straight into her stable and she followed!

I think this has really made a difference, she watched my every move over the stable door and when I turned her out she said hi to Drummer but then turned back to me!!! Normally she just walks off! So I HOPE I have now got her attention and we can continue ground work my way!

Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Join up

Well, I decided that it was a worth a try so off we headed for the round pen.

It went OK, my inexperience didn't help but I thoroughly enjoyed watching Livvi trot round me and she got a bit of a workout so something gained whatever! lol!

Actually, it went OK, I started with an exercise she knew, backing up, then I tried asking her to move her hindquarters away but she just walked off and through me, so I decided nothing ventured nothing gained I would try join up!......I only did it in trot as our round pen isn't full size (its home made!) and canter is OK for Drum in there but Livvi is a bit big!......I sent her out and away from me with the end of a rope (I didn't touch her) and made her circle several times before stopping and asking her to come in. At first she gravitated towards Drummer, who was in the field 10 yards away, but gradually she stopped and looked at me. We didn't make it as far as her coming to me but she always had an ear on me and was thinking hard and licking and chewing....I ended the session when she was looking at me and focused on me and as I approached her, she turned towards me then followed me a few steps......tomorrow I am going to do a bit more, gaining respect and trust is not a 15 minute wonder.

Tuesday, 5 May 2009

A lesson learned!

Don't start a session and then have to deal with the photographer who can't work the all goes to pot!! lol! Look at her concentration, we just worked on what we did last night and she was focused and doing fab! But then I asked for video and we lost it!

It didn't help that mum was riding Drum, Jeanette was riding Bella, Caragh was riding Brook and Shadow was hanging over the fence...FAR to much to look at! :-D

So after being totally ignored and finally getting Livvis' attention, we finished on a good note and went for a walk with Drum...this photo makes me chuckle so much, she just looks like she is off on her own with Drum following!
I think I will try some loose schooling in the round pen Gill, it gives me security and I might try a bit of join up when she won't concentrate! I agree about the leg, but it is kind of cute!!! She does it now when she sees me coming!! I am just ignoring it and hopefully it will go away the more she has to concentrate on!

Monday, 4 May 2009


Having had a lovely ride on Drummer I decided to try again with Livvi!

I left her in her stable while I poo picked and I was pleased that she was happy to chill and mooch. BUT I had just put her rope halter on ready to play, when Marie lead her 2 out to the field...Livvi had a fit, not anything awful, just a complete tantrum with me in the way, lunging at the door and totally ignoring me/running through me, pawing, she went from being totally calm and happy, actually putting her head down for the halter, to almost dangerous!

She doesn't worry me at all though (and I find this odd in my own mind as I am so used to my nerves!!) I refused to let her carry on with me standing there, every time she came at he door I backed her up and I refused to move..when she stood still I praised her but the minute she moved I sent her back again.. after a couple of tries at this she started pawing, she litteraly stands on three legs and waves a front leg in the air....this I can't let go on as she could knee cap someone quite easily!! I tried ignoring her as I really feel that it is totally attention seeking and "I can't get my own way" but this will be a woekin progress.....I have to tread carefully...I must not give her attention for doing it but I must reward her for standing calmly!!

So eventually, on my terms, we left the stable and went to we had started on backing up in the stable I thought I would continue the thread and ask her to step back away from me in the open...she will go back if you look her in the eye, point at her chest and say back, but out in the open, she decided to resist and rather than go back she tried to trot off around I let her.....I am learning here too and I must not let her move me, so I stood still whilst she put in all the was VERY interesting because she is one clever girl and it only took a couple of goes for her to realise that the easy option was to do as I asked....I sisn't do a think when she ran off, just invited her back to me and tried was FAB :-D I could see her thinking and re evaluating me! She is so funny, when I invite her back to me, she sticks her head right into my chest and hides!

As you can see, I am bouncing :-D and the BEST bit is, I turned her and Drum out and then I have to walk through their paddock to get home and for the first time, she came over and followed me!!!

Anyway pic of the herd for you

Sunday, 3 May 2009


I entiled this focus as its what I am struggling to get Livvi to do. I am doing everything from the beginning starting today (now that stitches are out). She has been here 3 weeks and is settled enough that work should begin.

Today I worked on moving away from pressure, I started with moving towards me and backing up, both of which she is fine with, I then moved onto moving the hind quarters away. I started with less tactile pressure swinging the lead rope at her bum but she ignored it totally. I want to try to get her to respond to my body language rather than just touch but I am not getting her to focus on me. To me this is showing a degree of lack of respect and I need to gain that respect but I am not sure how.

We returned to the yard where I found I became more interesting and I asked her to step over with physical pressure, which she will do but walks forwards too.

Livvi is very clever and I am trying to get her to engage her brain and think about what I am asking, but without her focusing on me and what we are doing I'm struggling. I had thought about trying join up as we have a round pen but she is very sensitive and I was worried that sending her away might have a negative affect.

On reading this back, I think that perhaps I may need to do more walking in hand and desensitising her to her environment before I try to get her totally focused...everything is still so different to her that she must find concentrating very hard.

Saturday, 2 May 2009

Stitches came out

and this time she wasn't a good girl!!! Apparantly vets with needles are VERY scary (but then I had to agree) and no way was she coming near her, we had complete tantrums which ended with one lot of sedation on the floor!...I could have got a bit cross wth the vet as she decided Liv was being naughty and started to get a bit agressive in her manor but the vet picked up on my vibe and listened to me so went allgently gently with Livvi and calm was restored!! Just goes to show hey!

Anyway, wound is fine, a bit of bleeding and looks rawish at the moment but give it a couple of months and I think it will disapear. Livvi also had her teeth done as I took advantage of the sedation! They were quite sharp but now I know I can get on with backing her properly with no excuses! Oh.. except she has a wolf tooth but the vet said not to fix what ain't broke and leave it for the moment, if it causes a problem in the future then it can come out.

As for Drummer...I think and hope that he has found a 9 year old girl to love and share him! :-D Waiting to hear from them as they have been a couple of times but were a bit worried about his head shaking...although Drum has been on Y30 from Trinity consultants for the past 6 weeks and other than the odd tick and snorting he has been fine!

The little girl is VERY keen but she was a bit nervous and is quite a novice but she sits nicely and was really listening today when I was telling her what to do so I hope that Drum has found a friend.

Tuesday, 28 April 2009

We went for a walk!

My mum came to ride Drummer last night. She is doing really well, she even got him to canter! he was dead lazy at first though and I had to get on him to wind him up a bit!! My mum doesn't have the confidence and he knows it and plods! He Probably gets a bit bored too!

I left Livvi in the field on her own for a bit but the minute all the horses were out of sight she started trotting up and down the fence so I went back and got her in. She calmed down instantly. I don't know how much is anxiety and how much is a bit of a tantrum...the reason I say this is because the minute she sees you she starts waving her front leg about and pawing the ground which is something she does when she thinks its tea time or standing still is boring! I wil keep you posted about that one.

Anyway, onto the interesting bit...we went for a walk right round the orchard :-D my mum came behind on Drummer but Livvi lead all the way, she was a star! At first I was wary of her spooking and mowing me down as she was so interested in everything she only had half an ear on me, but we were fine...she sniffed her way along scenting everything and swinging her head from side to side to have a good look round. I couldn't have been more pleased with her. I am hoping to do this a couple of times a week and then progress to long reining when I think she is ready...I'm also planning to take her out of the yard for a walk round the housing estate once we havethe orchard under our belt!

Monday, 27 April 2009

Content in her stable

I am yipeeeeeeee tonight!! :-D Livvi came in for well over an hour and mooched in her stable whilst I trimmed Drums feet and walked the dog etc and then when I put them out I took Drummer and Shadow 1st and left her alone for a good 10 minutes and she didn't bat an eyelid!! So the first step to being happy to be left! :-D

On another note, do you like her new bridle, its back in the end but simple and I think just the perfect size of noseband.

Saturday, 25 April 2009

2 weeks on!

Well, its definitely been interesting!!! I certainly didn't have huge vets bills in mind the day that Olivia arrived but there is a positive side to it all, she seems to be trusting me more and recognises me coming!

Olivia is now officially Livvi....its Helens spelling...Olivia is too much of a mouthful so I kept calling her Liv which annoyed me but I like Livvi! :-D

Today I rode Drummer, but I was having one of those days where I couldn't actually ride so we gave up on schooling and played at being cowboys! I watched the TV program on tuesday about it and I quite fancy taking Drum western, he goes well on a loose rein and will neck rein nicely!

Olivia was a good girl (again!!lol!) and stood in for ages, I made a note not to put hay on the floor though as she pees on it!!! I think she may be in season actually but as this is my first mare, I'm not really sure!!!

We went for a short walk around the field and she followed beautifully until the mares in the other field started galloping about and then she completely ignored me..I worked at gently drawing her attention back to me and lots of halts... she still wouldn't focus on me at all though (the mares were now just stood watching her) and she nearly knocked me flying so I got BIG and backed her up by waving my arms....(I have tried just squaring my shoulders and using eye contact but she looks over my head!!) but this did it, she backed up and suddenly she took note of where I was, she was licking and chewing and looking at me!...I didn't overdo it, praised her for her attention on me, walked a circle with a couple of halts and then stopped....I felt that I had actually achieved something, I didn't get cross or agressive and I only did it once but I made her think!

Vet returned

and everything is looking fab! :-D Stitches can come out next Friday :-D

Olivia was funny with the vet, this was Elsbeth, not Rob from last week, and she was extremely suspicious of this woman who only wanted to stare at her bum!! She wouldn't let her touch it and we went round and round in circles and tried to run away but once Elsbeth came back to her head and let her sniff her for a bit longer she stood still. She would then let me stare at her bum but still not the vet!

I then realised that it is all new people...a friend of mine popped over who isn't that keen on horses and Olivia insisted on sniffing her thoroughly, much to my friends horror!! lol!

Anyway,on a side note, what do you make of this?...need sound!

Sunday, 19 April 2009

A great day with a terrible end :-(

I was going to post about my fab fun ride on Drummer and how fantasticly Olivia has been doing and I will later to cheer myself up.....but this says it all!
A 6 inch gouge in Olivias flank, nearly to the bone at the hip, it looks like she did it on the bolt that holds the hinge on the gate, the vet was fantastic and very reasuring, she has internal stitches too!...he said taking after photos was no good, lol! I should have taken a before! It was pretty gruesome though.
I am amazed at her tolerance for pain, if that had been me, I would have passed out on the floor and had to go to hospital with an overnight stay! As it was, she didn't even take a lame step!
We discussed her staying in and I told him how stressed she gets and thank goodness he was fine with her going out as I said she is very calm out and doesn't run around.
My poor broken baby, I just want to cry!

Thursday, 16 April 2009

Revolting day!

Nothing to do with the horses but what horrid weather!!

Interestingly, Olivia seems to be the only one who doesn' t mind, where as everyone else sulked! lol!

My friend Manda from work popped over today, she knows absolutely nothing about horses and is kind of nervous around them but she liked Olivia, said she was pretty :-D but and she was also in awe of how high she pickes up her, I've watched her on the lunge at Gills and know what lovely paces she has but I hadn't really looked in walk and WOW, she really does!!

She meets new things every day at our yard, today it was the forklift and a van parked right on the yard! She huffed and puffed a bit but I just took it slowly and walked round the van twice..I think what she didn't like, was that the space round the edge, was quite enclosed but she was very good and followed me without rushing.

I think Olivia actually enjoyed being in her stable out of the rain for a bit...I was really pleased with her, she stood in for a good hour with some hay and seemed quite relaxed, she liked the dual aspect of the stable so that she can have a good nosey at whats going on in both directions!

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

A grand day out...or something like that!

Today I took Drummer jumpies at Allens hill, we arrives at 10.30 to find thatthere was no one there as it only just stopped raining! So loads of time to prat about....took Drummer in the 1'9" amd we came third!! but there were only 5 in it!!! Caragh took him in the 2' but she had a pole, he was such a good boy though!

Then I took Maries horse Billy in the 2'3" but the trouble is I don't know him well enough and I was terrified!!! My jumping style is naf and I didn't ride him forward enough, consequently we had a refusal. Never mind! :-D
So the troupes returned to the yard with Drummer the top show jumper at the moment!
So, Olivia! :-D

She came in and had a good groom! She is actually the best groomed pony in Britain! lol! But she is very satisfying to groom, she adores it and stands rock still the whole time! Not like Drummer sho can't wait for you to bugger off and leave him alone!! So, I left her standing tied up with Shadow for company and she was happy to chill...for a bit!! Then she started pawing the ground so we just ignored her and after a bit, she stopped!! Its just boredom and impatience, next she ate a headcollar, then she turned round to look at Shadow, then she fidget top look in a stable..but...she was very good!

Well, then the farrier rang and said he could come in half an hour so one thing lead to another as we had time on our hands and we tried the fit of my 17" Fhoenix...bit far forward I think. She liked the stirrups and ate them!

And she was quite good for the farrier, just tried to stand on him once! lol! He was very patient!

So a really good day :-D

Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Olivia and the bike

This says it all really

It wasn't a horse but it moved and it was very exciting when it went round in circles and had to be chased! Then we had to buck and canter round in circles too!! But for good measure, then it became terrifying until my new mum got off it and then maybe it was edible!

If I can post some vid I will but none of the chase I'm afraid, I had a rubbish camera woman, my mum! lol! It was her bike. Olivia was hugely curious but not really scared by the bike, I just think she thinks the world has gone mad at the moment!

Anyway, she was a good girl I sound like a stuck record!? :-D She didn't fret when Drummer came in and went off and grazed on her own, then when she did come in, the yard was really busy with people and horses and although she was interested in everything, she took it all in her stride. Then at tea time she ate calmly and was content to mooch in her stable for a good 15 minutes while I pratted about! So that IS good :-D

Drummer had a mane and tail wash as we are going out tomorrow, but I couldn't resist this!!!

and my mum and dad with Drummer

Monday, 13 April 2009

Well I was going to ride and then Don wanted to go out and then in the end all we did was walk the dog and then by 4pm I just couldn't be bothered to ride! I just enjoyed mooching and poo picking instead.

Drummer and Olivia are getting on so well, its hilarious, they are both covered in each others dry slobber and poor Olivia has mouthfuls of white hair. Lol! He is happy living with her and the other boys drool jealously over the fence.

Anyway, today I left Drummer out and got Olivia in on her own. She was as good as gold. Simon (YO's son) came and washed his motor bike with the pressure washer so we went and had a look.....she huffed and puffed but it was more curiosity than nerves....she is just like Drummer in that way "Ooo thats scary, lets go and look at it!" lol! When Simon started the washer she hid behind me and then peered out but soon came back to investigate :-D Our yard is a good one for despooking, lots going on and she is a brave girlie, just tentative,

I gave her a good groom and she stood for that but gets impatient when there is nothing going on and starts pawing the floor, this is where I am going to use the clicker I think. We also did the same exercise as yesterday and she even backed up when I took a step back....I am going to keep working on this every day as I would like to take her on in hand hacks to get her out and about and seeing things. I don't want to involve the clicker with leading etc, this should be about both our manners, our trust in each other and respecting each others space, it's nothing to do with "training" just us getting to know and understand each other.

Caragh and Marie met Olivia for the first time, they both liked her although moaned about me having a girl. I think once they all settle there won't be any problem at all, she will just be one of the gang. Caragh thinks she looks dopey so that shows how chilled out she must be looking after only 3 days ;-D

I am totaly in love with her by the way! :-D

Sunday, 12 April 2009

A relationship started!

Today I have had a lovely day, my sister came over to ride an as I have beenlooking after Maries horses we had one each to ride. I played jumpies on Bill, which is great fun compared to Drummer as we actually jump!! lol!

Anyway, back to the girlie....she came to say hello when we arrived but when we got Drummer in she started to stress..we tied him in sight and she chilled out, plus Brook and Shadow stood near the fence to keep her wasn't until we pooh picked and they followed us down the field that she got wound up....I don't know how to deal with seperation anxiety!! I have just ignored it for the moment and hope that she learns that they will come back. I know I shouldn't worry, we have a long way to go but I think it may be our biggest hurdle.

When I got Olivia in she was quite stressed but I took her for a walk round the car park and I was REALLY pleased with her....she started by almost totally ignoring me, everything had her eyes on stalks, but I persisted with changes of direction and halts and although she was not looking at me, she followed!! Gradually I asked her to look at me, gently turning her head in my direction and as she relaxed I asked more of her, turning on the haunches and backing up a step etc. The whole session was no more than 10 minutes and at first I thought I had made a mistake trying, she was not concentrating on me and it took me half of that time to even get her attention, but I'm glad I did....suddenly her eye softened and her head lowered and she started to lick and chew, accepting me and following me. A relationship started!

Saturday, 11 April 2009

Settling in day

Well, I went up this afternoon at about 1pm to find her stood with Shadow in the corner but covered in dry sweat (she had been find this morning) so obviously something had gone on...Rudy said she was fine until the others wandered off and then she started cantering up and down the fence!!

I got Olivia in for a good groom, she was such a good girlie, a bit huffy puffy at all the strange things on our yard but she stood and enjoyed her fuss and let me groom her all over and do all 4 feet. She then went in Shadows stable for her tea and although she got a bit stressy and went from door to door she ate calmly and just looked a bit mystified by everything!

Turn out is when the problem occured, she went out fine, the others went in their field and then they walked of!!!!!! So this is how Olivia got all sweaty, she just ran up and down the fence looking for them.....bless Shadow, he looked back once in sympathy but had to follow his herd. Anyway, problem now solved Olivia is now living with Drummer like they are old mates and its the first time I have seen her venture more then 3 feet from the fence line!

Happy together.
A few extra thoughts!
Olivia is going to struggle most with seperation from ther others, she seems fine when people are there though, so I am hoping that when she is worked on her own this will not cause a problem. The potential problem arrises when everyone else is out on a hack!
I also have Michael Peace to thank for my calm day...I am very impressed with alot of what he says and even though I was swirling inside with stupid nerves (not scared ones but butterflies of adrenalin I think) I thought about breathing calmly, taking the lead and praising every small try from her. She seemed to respond really well and even enjoyed me hugging her! lol!

Well, she's here!

Traveled well and settled well, we were really pleased.

Every one enjoyed meeting her over the fence but Brook decided he was hers and didn't like anyone else near her, lots of squabbling and poor Drummer was desperate to say hello but no one would let him.

I can't wait to get working with her, she is my beautiful girl!

Friday, 10 April 2009

Olivias arrival



Today (hopefully)I become the proud mum to another pony, this one is oversized at 15hh but a beautiful Dales mare to be sister to my Dartmoor pony gelding Drummer.

Olivia is complicated and sensitive, she was started as a 3 year old but it didn't work, she is now nearly 6 and I am planning to take my time and hopefuly I will end up with my horse for life.
I am hugely over excited about the whole thing but also rather nervous as I don't want to get this wrong. I have faith in myself and what I want to achieve and I have back up from lots of people when I need help so I'm hoping this will be an adventure that lasts many happy years!