Saturday, 11 April 2009

Settling in day

Well, I went up this afternoon at about 1pm to find her stood with Shadow in the corner but covered in dry sweat (she had been find this morning) so obviously something had gone on...Rudy said she was fine until the others wandered off and then she started cantering up and down the fence!!

I got Olivia in for a good groom, she was such a good girlie, a bit huffy puffy at all the strange things on our yard but she stood and enjoyed her fuss and let me groom her all over and do all 4 feet. She then went in Shadows stable for her tea and although she got a bit stressy and went from door to door she ate calmly and just looked a bit mystified by everything!

Turn out is when the problem occured, she went out fine, the others went in their field and then they walked of!!!!!! So this is how Olivia got all sweaty, she just ran up and down the fence looking for them.....bless Shadow, he looked back once in sympathy but had to follow his herd. Anyway, problem now solved Olivia is now living with Drummer like they are old mates and its the first time I have seen her venture more then 3 feet from the fence line!

Happy together.
A few extra thoughts!
Olivia is going to struggle most with seperation from ther others, she seems fine when people are there though, so I am hoping that when she is worked on her own this will not cause a problem. The potential problem arrises when everyone else is out on a hack!
I also have Michael Peace to thank for my calm day...I am very impressed with alot of what he says and even though I was swirling inside with stupid nerves (not scared ones but butterflies of adrenalin I think) I thought about breathing calmly, taking the lead and praising every small try from her. She seemed to respond really well and even enjoyed me hugging her! lol!


  1. That all sounds very positive. You knew separation anxiety was going to be an issue with her but it sounds as though you dealing with it in a very sensble way. I saw you'd borrowed the Michael Peace book from school! He does may a lot of sense, I have his book "The 100% Horse" if you want to borrow it.

  2. I didnt realise you were suffering from any sort of nerves i thought you were very calm and took it all in your stride!! I think you will just have to play it by ear with the separation its such early days that she may be looking for any crumb of confort in a strange environment and once she has settled in properly see what happens. She was certainly happy with Drumnmer so it will work out one way or another! She seems very keen on people so i think you will form a close bond. Exciting!!

  3. Thanks both of you! :-D Yes please to the book Helen, I am very taken with him and he makes more sense than many!!! Not that I will blindly follow one person, take a bit of what you need is my motto, but he feels good!
