Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Long reining!

Firstly, thank you so much everyone for your comments. Gill, your comment made my day and Vicky, Hello (waves) :-D

So last night we did some in hand work to start with, Livvi was a bit funny with her girth but I think she is in season....actually thats another story, she seems to fancy Bill, she keeps making amourous advances towards him but poor Bill has no idea and just looks paniced! lol! So funny!.....anyway, the in hand work was the best yet, she is amazing and its me struggling to keep up with her and her rather sharp mind! The left rein was so light she was like a feather!! Right has a way to go but its there! We are working on shoulder in but I'm a bit worried that she is going through her shoulder rather than having correct bend! I have to also watch that she doesn't disengage her hindquarters when we are on a circle, she is becoming far to flexible!!

Then for the first time, I started long reining...other than getting her tongue over the bit twice it went really well, she was a bit over bent at times but I was confident and so was she so we ventured into a bigger space and we even had a small trot! I did more on the right rein than the left, we are both less comfortable this way so I thought it was important. We did lots of transitions and she got the hang of it really quickly, she wants to turn and look at you when we stop though which turns us into a wiggly worm, lol! Then plenty of rein changes, she was so focused, both ears on me bless her, but she really tried and I much prefer it to lunging!

As for Drummer, his new saddle arrived, yipeeeeeeee! Its a 16" thorowgood pony club saddle and it fits him a treat, its had a bit of use but its fab! I had a ride in it Tuesday and he was really forward, I even popped a jump and think that I might stick with it for jumping, over the Fhoenix, I can't block him in the same way! I think my mum might find it easier and it was better for my hip!

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