Wednesday, 17 June 2009


In hand!! Tonight was awful, Livvi was in la la land! I got more and more steamed up over la la land pony! The more frustrated I got the more she looked at me with a whats your problem look in her eyes...aaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrgggggggggg!

I should be pleased though, me being stressed a few weeks ago would have sent her into orbit and stress mode too! lol!

After 45 minutes...YES, 45 minutes, we eventually got 3 strides (well it was probably a bit more than that but!!!!) of slow controlled work on each rein!!! I quit while the going was good!



  1. hahahahaha!! welcome to MY world Mwhhaaaaa haaaa haaaaaaaaa!!!!

    Seriously, i can SO appreciate how frustrating this behaviour is - it has helped me to approach working with Antsje as a 'trainer'. She is simply a horse whom I am trying to help. No emotions ;-)

    When we are in the field and the stable she then becomes MY horse and we can cuddle and be friends and I can be emotional with her.

    But to train your horse effectively there is no place for this kind 'feeling' if you want to keep your sanity lol!! RESPECT! ALWAYS - but go into a session thinking 'how can I help this horse' and when it isnt working just stop for a moment think 'how can I help this horse' Sounds a bit mad, but it really works for me :-)

    Hopefulyy see you on Sunday xx

  2. Not mad, very helpful. I have got this far with Livvi by being calm and not fighting her...I step back and think what next but as I have become more attched to her I think I have muddied the water!
