Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Our first attempt alone in hand

Went terribly!

Left rein was actually OK, but right rein was a complete disaster, she just kept leaning on me through her shoulder and barging me away from the fence, if I tried a bit more outside rein then she threw her head in the air...we did get a few nice steps and just when I thought it was going well, she would tense and it would fall apart again! Very frustrating!

Anyway, on consideration when I got home last night I think she gets tense, so I get tense and she kind of panics...I will try again today with the onus on me staying relaxed (well I will try) and perhaps change my fence line so its different for us both.


  1. Definitely keep at it - don't be tempted to give up and get on like I did with Spirit - that issue will still be there! It sounds like you're doing a great job. x

  2. Yes do keep at it Em - I think horses often struggle with going on the right rein because they get used to us leading from their left hand side. If you think about lunging, at the beginning they are often much better going round on a circle to the left and right takes a bit more effort! All of mine have been more difficult that way. It might also feel a bit weird to you as well - I know when I lead from the right it feels quite awkward! But you will get there x
