Saturday, 9 May 2009

More join up :-D

Thursday night I didn't work Olivia at all, just played with Drummer and had a fun ride messing about with a 12 year old!!!

So last night I thought I would give the join up another go. (Livvi could also do with the exercise as spring grass is enlarging my pony! lol!) We made a fab start, I sent her away and round the pen, she had one ear on me and was really concentrating, this time she started to lower her head and lick and chew so I stopped an invited her in... I got a good response, total attention on me, fully focused with her head turned towards me, but she wouldn't move in.....I sent her back the other way (to the right) but interestingly she doesn't like that way at all and when I stopped to invite her in she just turned and ran the other this is where I became unsure and so did she, she upped the pace to canter so I kept her there for a couple of curcuits and then invited her in BUT she wouldn't stop! I even sat in the floor, she had one ear on me and it took about 6 curcuits for her to come done to walk.....I called her name gently and she stopped briefly but then walked on, I persevered, walking towards her slowly side on and guess what???? :-D IT WORKED...she stopped, turned in and I gave a rub and then walked off an she followed me :-D I twisted and turned and then walked back to the yard (we did have one stop for a mouthful of grass) but I walked straight into her stable and she followed!

I think this has really made a difference, she watched my every move over the stable door and when I turned her out she said hi to Drummer but then turned back to me!!! Normally she just walks off! So I HOPE I have now got her attention and we can continue ground work my way!

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