Monday, 4 May 2009


Having had a lovely ride on Drummer I decided to try again with Livvi!

I left her in her stable while I poo picked and I was pleased that she was happy to chill and mooch. BUT I had just put her rope halter on ready to play, when Marie lead her 2 out to the field...Livvi had a fit, not anything awful, just a complete tantrum with me in the way, lunging at the door and totally ignoring me/running through me, pawing, she went from being totally calm and happy, actually putting her head down for the halter, to almost dangerous!

She doesn't worry me at all though (and I find this odd in my own mind as I am so used to my nerves!!) I refused to let her carry on with me standing there, every time she came at he door I backed her up and I refused to move..when she stood still I praised her but the minute she moved I sent her back again.. after a couple of tries at this she started pawing, she litteraly stands on three legs and waves a front leg in the air....this I can't let go on as she could knee cap someone quite easily!! I tried ignoring her as I really feel that it is totally attention seeking and "I can't get my own way" but this will be a woekin progress.....I have to tread carefully...I must not give her attention for doing it but I must reward her for standing calmly!!

So eventually, on my terms, we left the stable and went to we had started on backing up in the stable I thought I would continue the thread and ask her to step back away from me in the open...she will go back if you look her in the eye, point at her chest and say back, but out in the open, she decided to resist and rather than go back she tried to trot off around I let her.....I am learning here too and I must not let her move me, so I stood still whilst she put in all the was VERY interesting because she is one clever girl and it only took a couple of goes for her to realise that the easy option was to do as I asked....I sisn't do a think when she ran off, just invited her back to me and tried was FAB :-D I could see her thinking and re evaluating me! She is so funny, when I invite her back to me, she sticks her head right into my chest and hides!

As you can see, I am bouncing :-D and the BEST bit is, I turned her and Drum out and then I have to walk through their paddock to get home and for the first time, she came over and followed me!!!

Anyway pic of the herd for you


  1. Yeehaaa!!!! You've got it figured girl!!! I'm SOOOOOO pleased!!!! :-D xxx

  2. :-D for today anayway!!! lol!

    I feel like something truly clicked today, I have found a new sense of inner calm that I NEED for Livvi and an understanding that was there, but has been buried until now.

  3. Sorry not kept up with this but have just read up to date now - you are doing brilliantly! I've always called her Livvy so she should know that name :-). Her leg waving and pawing is something she's always done from a yearling, I've never been able to get her out of it. I think it's an attention seeking thing which has become a habit, she'll do it tied up, in the stable, or even at the field gate if she's hungry and thinks you have food.

    She is a sensitive girl as you have found out, but a quick learner. She won't respond well to being bullied or to aggressive behaviour (like the vet) but she does respond to calm - which is why I was able to get her loaded without any hassle - if I'd pressured her she wouldn't be with you now! Of course there will be times you will have to stand up to her as she is a big strong girl but generally this is if she's being bolshy.

    She tends to be suspicious of vets and anyone who might be one LOL! With good reason I suppose ...

    If I was you I would try the lunge pen to get her focusing on you - I find that working them loose has got all my youngsters focused on me much quicker than anything else. I've never done 'join up' as such (meaning I don't send them away) but I use the clicker to ask them to do certain things and then find that they are joined up to me anyway lol.

    It's great to see how she is progressing and is building up a lovely relationship with you!!
