Monday, 11 May 2009

Fun fun fun!

Had a fantastic day yesterday with Helen and Marie, we went to Admington fun ride :-D Much fun was had by all including some fab gallopies and jumpies....Drummer was a loon and I need to each him to stop!! But to be honest, its the only time we are out of control EVER and its like twice a year! My legs, arms, thighs, fingers and back are all killing me today though! Unfit thats me!!

So whilst Drummer relaxed today, I got Livvi in for a groom and a play...she wasn't keen on the wind and everything was scary but once we were in the round pen and she was concentrating she was fine.

I sent her round in trot again and put some poles out to get her to think a bit but I still worked on the join up principle. She started to lick and chew and so I invited her in and when she didn't, we did it the other way. The 2nd time she turned right in to face me so I invited her to me and she stepped forwards as I went to her....we played follow my leader round the pen but after a few turns she suddenly stopped and refused to move so I sent her out again...the next time I saw her soften, I invited her in and she turned, paused and then walked towards me no hesitation!! :-D We played follow for a couple of minutes then called it a day!

I am VERY pleased with my girlie, she is much more focused on me, interested in what I am doing but polite...I feel that I have made a good start and need to decide what should be my next step!

1 comment:

  1. Excellent work with Livvi! I did enjoy the day yesterday, the only bit of me that aches is my ankle from landing on it - my pony may be unfit but I'm not! Heehee!!!
