Thursday 23 July 2009

Just some musings about both my pones!

I was thinking about how well Livvi has settled in, she is alot more comfortable to be left on her own now and doesn't kick the door down every time someone walks past. Her cheeky personality is starting to show through as her anxiety about being here has decreased and she is more interested in people rather than worrying where Drum is.

In the field she is quite a dominant member of the herd, Brook is still boss but they all follow Livvi when she walks off and she holds her own. She will come and find out what you are doing if you are poo picking is starting to come to me when she sees me.

Handling Livvi has always been quite easy but she is a well mannered mare most of the time...she does have her moments but this is usually when something has upset her and she just doesn't listen to you. She has improved vastly with her feet and will stand to be groomed for hours!

Drummer has also matured, I really noticed it when I schooled him for the first time in months, he just slipped back into it with no problem. He is still my cheeky pony who gets away with blue murder but ridden he is fab....he is much more forward and he carries himself corrctly without asking instead of slobbing along, it only takes a tickle of the rein and a bit of leg to get him to round and come onto the bridle.

Drummer has also found a new liking for speed, something which he has always been too layed back for and for the first time yesterday, we had a controlled gallop without it being a fast canter that fell into gallop as part of a race. It felt AMAZING!! So smooth and balanced.

So all in all, I have 2 fantastic pones :-D

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