I rode Livvi again today! :-D She tried to get grass once and then gave up and listened! My friend Jane helped out and when we got "stuck" she swished the whip behind Livvi which got her going! Liv strode out much better and even though Jane hid the whip, she knew it was there! lol! I felt totally at home and comfortable....actually riding today was better than the long reining, I long reined before I rode and she was quite resistant, I think the signals to the bit are just too dulled down but once I was on she was light and responsive....this was with the new JP french link...it is actually too large BUT she was sooooo much better in it.
I also think that once I am on I am confident in my ability to ride where as long reining is something that I have learnt recently and I am not sure of myself.
Saturday, 27 June 2009
Acceptance of the contact
Last night I long reined Livvi and she definitely goes off the click of the tongue rather than "walk on" but I use both. I worked her in the car park away from grass, it takes her a good 10 minutes to really listen to me and focus, I find she pulls towards home on every circuit which is annoying as then she is fighting with my contact and starts gaping her mouth. I did lots of transitions through walk halt and trot, concetrating on making har stand in halt and not just march off the minute she feels like it and gradually she stopped napping, accepted the bit better and softened, so today I am going to long rein before I ride I think.
I am still struggling with the bit, I think it is definitely too fat, I had a look in her mouth and it sits on her tongue and touches the roof of her mouth, there is just no room in there. I like the NS bits with the lozenge, she sucks it! lol! But I have bought a 2nd hand JP french link, it has a slightly curved mouth piece which is supposed to relieve the pressure on the edges of the tongue, if we find this is the bit for us they do a loose ring with a lozenge and NS make the Verdiband which is shaped although it might be a bit thin.
I am still struggling with the bit, I think it is definitely too fat, I had a look in her mouth and it sits on her tongue and touches the roof of her mouth, there is just no room in there. I like the NS bits with the lozenge, she sucks it! lol! But I have bought a 2nd hand JP french link, it has a slightly curved mouth piece which is supposed to relieve the pressure on the edges of the tongue, if we find this is the bit for us they do a loose ring with a lozenge and NS make the Verdiband which is shaped although it might be a bit thin.
Wednesday, 24 June 2009
Solo on Livvi!!!
I am on cloud 9, we did some in hand work and once she was working and listening, we went into the round pen and on I popped!
My first problem is getting her to stand still on grass (actually she is not one to stand still its boring :-D ) she paws and wants to eat so I MUST work on this soon, I think I will try the clicker again as I can't see another way......So Jeanette (my 13 year old camera girl!) stood by her head while I got on and we were away. At first Livvi backedup and wanted grass but I persevered and she listened and away we went....I was very nervous, there is a history of bucking fromwhen they tried backing her as a 3 year old but she was chilled and happy so I am REALLY pleased.
Steering was very hit and miss, a couple of times we almost slimed along the walls :-D she was quite fussy in her mouth and I don't feel like she was trasnfering what I have been doing in hand and on long reins at all, this is just new! I also think her new bit is too fat and I have got JP french link coming.
We ground to a halt several times and she responded better to me clicking my tongue rather than my voice but I do think she started to think about my leg and our first halt was lovely...the end one isn't as she was heading for the gate and freedom! lol!
I am really really pleased with her, her ears were everywhere but mostly one was on me and at one point she did proper floppy donkey chilled ears.....now I just have to take this forward, its soooooooooooo exciting! lol!
My first problem is getting her to stand still on grass (actually she is not one to stand still its boring :-D ) she paws and wants to eat so I MUST work on this soon, I think I will try the clicker again as I can't see another way......So Jeanette (my 13 year old camera girl!) stood by her head while I got on and we were away. At first Livvi backedup and wanted grass but I persevered and she listened and away we went....I was very nervous, there is a history of bucking fromwhen they tried backing her as a 3 year old but she was chilled and happy so I am REALLY pleased.
Steering was very hit and miss, a couple of times we almost slimed along the walls :-D she was quite fussy in her mouth and I don't feel like she was trasnfering what I have been doing in hand and on long reins at all, this is just new! I also think her new bit is too fat and I have got JP french link coming.
We ground to a halt several times and she responded better to me clicking my tongue rather than my voice but I do think she started to think about my leg and our first halt was lovely...the end one isn't as she was heading for the gate and freedom! lol!
I am really really pleased with her, her ears were everywhere but mostly one was on me and at one point she did proper floppy donkey chilled ears.....now I just have to take this forward, its soooooooooooo exciting! lol!
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
Stressy mares!!!!
Well, tonights plan was in hand work and then a short ride with my dad to help, but best laid plans and all that........????!!!
My mum was riding Drummer and I left Livvi in on her own while I poo picked but she had a total stress and nearly climbed out of her stable!!!! This is the first time that she has done that....last night she was fine when we all left her. She did chill when I went to her which is a good signe but I thought a ride might be a very bad idea!! so I just put her halter and line on with the intention of some in hand lunge type work to reafirm our relationship and destress her....Cue Livvi doing wall of death in mad trot!! totally ignoring me and being a total pratt! Followed by catching mum out and cantering off down the field lunge line trailing until she got to Drummer, where she stopped and watched me walk towards her! Little madam then followed me back to the yard like butter wouldn't melt!
So keeping the line short we tried again and I found that Livvi can canter 5 meter circles which I thought was most impressive! lol! Actually, she calmed right down, realised that I was NOT giving up, started to listen and we managed to do some nice work for 5 minutes....I was very tempted to get the saddle out as she totally chilled but decided that if anything went wrong then I would blame her earlier stress....maybe tomorrow!
My mum was riding Drummer and I left Livvi in on her own while I poo picked but she had a total stress and nearly climbed out of her stable!!!! This is the first time that she has done that....last night she was fine when we all left her. She did chill when I went to her which is a good signe but I thought a ride might be a very bad idea!! so I just put her halter and line on with the intention of some in hand lunge type work to reafirm our relationship and destress her....Cue Livvi doing wall of death in mad trot!! totally ignoring me and being a total pratt! Followed by catching mum out and cantering off down the field lunge line trailing until she got to Drummer, where she stopped and watched me walk towards her! Little madam then followed me back to the yard like butter wouldn't melt!
So keeping the line short we tried again and I found that Livvi can canter 5 meter circles which I thought was most impressive! lol! Actually, she calmed right down, realised that I was NOT giving up, started to listen and we managed to do some nice work for 5 minutes....I was very tempted to get the saddle out as she totally chilled but decided that if anything went wrong then I would blame her earlier stress....maybe tomorrow!
Monday, 22 June 2009
Drummers turn
Feel a bit bad as I talk about Livvi constantly but never mention Drummer! Things just sort of sail on as normal with him though!
I managed to buy Drum a 2nd hand thorowgood pony club saddle which fits him a treat and is great for his little sharer and her mum so that I can use myFhoenix on Livvi.
Headshaking is at a minimum although the grass pollen isn't doing him much good, he gets a bit twitchy. I have been using the nasal spray that the vet gave him and eye drops when I ride and fingers crossed we have the odd snort and tick but nothing like I have known him to be!
Last night I rode with Marie, caragh and Jeanette and we had a lovely time, it was a bit warm but Drummer was really forward and enthusiastic :-D Its actually nice not to ride him so often, I enjoy it more when I do! Mums turn tomorrow!
I managed to buy Drum a 2nd hand thorowgood pony club saddle which fits him a treat and is great for his little sharer and her mum so that I can use myFhoenix on Livvi.
Headshaking is at a minimum although the grass pollen isn't doing him much good, he gets a bit twitchy. I have been using the nasal spray that the vet gave him and eye drops when I ride and fingers crossed we have the odd snort and tick but nothing like I have known him to be!
Last night I rode with Marie, caragh and Jeanette and we had a lovely time, it was a bit warm but Drummer was really forward and enthusiastic :-D Its actually nice not to ride him so often, I enjoy it more when I do! Mums turn tomorrow!
Sunday, 21 June 2009
Help at hand!
In the form of Vicky! :-D
A massive thank you to Vicky, firstly for coming over, secondly for helping me with la la land pony and thirdly comes later!
We worked in hand, Vicky took the rein and I was pleased that she felt the change in Livvi since she last visited, sometimes you do wonder if its all in your head! But she quickly establised what I had missed and that Livvi is falling out through her shoulder on the left rein and in on the right rein. Vicky worked her both ways and the difference was amazing, Vicky is a calm teacher and Livvi is a fast learner and it didn't take her long to figure it out. One trick Vicky did show me was to drop the inside rein totally on the left rein and use your left hend on the outside rein, the difference was huge as you could really use it properly and it made a massive difference to the control of Livvis shoulders. Hopefully Vicky will coment and add to this as I am naf at write ups but here is us using the outside rein.

So now for thirdly :-D I tacked Livvi up fully and with Vicky in charge of Livvis head (mostly to stop her eating!) as my security blanket we had a proper walk around the paddock, I picked up a light contact and was pleased to feel she was there atthe end of the rein. I was VERY nervous (mainly its because if things go wrong then I will worry even more!) but with Vicky reminding me to breathe we did 2 circuits of the paddock one on each rein and I asked for the halt at the end and got it. I was realy pleased with Livvi, she was relaxed and totally cool about the whole thing!
So what time are you coming tonight Vicky? lol!
A massive thank you to Vicky, firstly for coming over, secondly for helping me with la la land pony and thirdly comes later!
We worked in hand, Vicky took the rein and I was pleased that she felt the change in Livvi since she last visited, sometimes you do wonder if its all in your head! But she quickly establised what I had missed and that Livvi is falling out through her shoulder on the left rein and in on the right rein. Vicky worked her both ways and the difference was amazing, Vicky is a calm teacher and Livvi is a fast learner and it didn't take her long to figure it out. One trick Vicky did show me was to drop the inside rein totally on the left rein and use your left hend on the outside rein, the difference was huge as you could really use it properly and it made a massive difference to the control of Livvis shoulders. Hopefully Vicky will coment and add to this as I am naf at write ups but here is us using the outside rein.

So now for thirdly :-D I tacked Livvi up fully and with Vicky in charge of Livvis head (mostly to stop her eating!) as my security blanket we had a proper walk around the paddock, I picked up a light contact and was pleased to feel she was there atthe end of the rein. I was VERY nervous (mainly its because if things go wrong then I will worry even more!) but with Vicky reminding me to breathe we did 2 circuits of the paddock one on each rein and I asked for the halt at the end and got it. I was realy pleased with Livvi, she was relaxed and totally cool about the whole thing!
So what time are you coming tonight Vicky? lol!
Saturday, 20 June 2009
Long reining.
Today we tried long reining with the new bit. With the bit set at the same height as yesterday, Livvi got her tongue straight over......I have thought about this and I think it is to do with the direction the bit is working in her mouth, in hand the focus is on up toward the corners of her mouth but with the long reinging, there is more pressure on her tongue as the reins run through loops on the roller below her withers.
I took the bit up a hole which stopped her tongue trouble and then concentrated on keeping the contact light so that there was no discomfort and if she did nap or pull away, I dropped the contact as a reward when she did as I asked. I must have been doing something right as after 20 minutes work she suddenly got light and round on the circle......we were doing walk trot walk transitions in the car park (Iam trying to condition her feet a bit too!) and it was lovely, she was working through from behind, really stepping under through the transition and softening in front, listing to my rein aid and my voice, but as per everything we couldn't mimic it on the other rein!
I feel that we took another step forward today and that Livvi is really starting to understand the contact and how to carry herself, its sooooo exciting!!!!
I took the bit up a hole which stopped her tongue trouble and then concentrated on keeping the contact light so that there was no discomfort and if she did nap or pull away, I dropped the contact as a reward when she did as I asked. I must have been doing something right as after 20 minutes work she suddenly got light and round on the circle......we were doing walk trot walk transitions in the car park (Iam trying to condition her feet a bit too!) and it was lovely, she was working through from behind, really stepping under through the transition and softening in front, listing to my rein aid and my voice, but as per everything we couldn't mimic it on the other rein!
I feel that we took another step forward today and that Livvi is really starting to understand the contact and how to carry herself, its sooooo exciting!!!!
A new bit!
I found a bargain bit on ebay so just had to have it, its a brand new NS tranz lozenge with full cheeks and I payed half what they cost in the shop!!!
So last night I tried it on Livvi.....I wasn't sure at first because it is thicker than her other one and so I wondered if she would like it, but we did some in hand work and it was the best yet...even if she is finding it a bit thick she is obviously prefering the action and way it sits in her mouth as opposed to the hanging cheek. :-D
I am going to Long rein her today and see how we get on, hopefully turning will be easier and she will get clearer signals from me.
So last night I tried it on Livvi.....I wasn't sure at first because it is thicker than her other one and so I wondered if she would like it, but we did some in hand work and it was the best yet...even if she is finding it a bit thick she is obviously prefering the action and way it sits in her mouth as opposed to the hanging cheek. :-D
I am going to Long rein her today and see how we get on, hopefully turning will be easier and she will get clearer signals from me.
Thursday, 18 June 2009
Guess what Livvi and I did today?
I had it all planned and I think she knew, she kept sniffing me and I was a bit nervy!
We had a fab in hand session (so different to yesterday you wouldn't believe!) and she is always lovely and calm after these so we went in the round pen with the idea of getting on and actually trying for some forward movement....the getting on went perfectly but the forward was not happening as I couldn't get Livvi to keep her head off the floor! I had a head collar on with reins as well as her bridle but the head collar didn't work and I was worried about jabbing her in the mouth!
So...we went up to the car park and the yard!!! Mad I know but I decided that the ground is actually probably just as hard and all in the mind! So on I get again and off we go, right round the stable block and back! :-D I was pooing my pants and grinning at the same time! lol!
Now I have had time to reflect I'm bouncing and have also analysed what went on: She was as good as gold and let me steer her but she was nervous and her ears were flicking everywhere, I don't think she had made the connection that it was me on her back! I asked her to walk on and she listened with total focus on me but just stood in slight confusion, it took ages before she kind of clicked and moved but I praised her and while we had forward I left her alone. Stopping was interesting, same problem, it took ages for it to sink in!
I used my leg very lightly and the same with the reins but I feel a bit unsure myself, she is so responsive to my voice on the long reins and lunging I honestly just thought she would understand when I was sat on!
Can't wait for next time! :-D
We had a fab in hand session (so different to yesterday you wouldn't believe!) and she is always lovely and calm after these so we went in the round pen with the idea of getting on and actually trying for some forward movement....the getting on went perfectly but the forward was not happening as I couldn't get Livvi to keep her head off the floor! I had a head collar on with reins as well as her bridle but the head collar didn't work and I was worried about jabbing her in the mouth!
So...we went up to the car park and the yard!!! Mad I know but I decided that the ground is actually probably just as hard and all in the mind! So on I get again and off we go, right round the stable block and back! :-D I was pooing my pants and grinning at the same time! lol!
Now I have had time to reflect I'm bouncing and have also analysed what went on: She was as good as gold and let me steer her but she was nervous and her ears were flicking everywhere, I don't think she had made the connection that it was me on her back! I asked her to walk on and she listened with total focus on me but just stood in slight confusion, it took ages before she kind of clicked and moved but I praised her and while we had forward I left her alone. Stopping was interesting, same problem, it took ages for it to sink in!
I used my leg very lightly and the same with the reins but I feel a bit unsure myself, she is so responsive to my voice on the long reins and lunging I honestly just thought she would understand when I was sat on!
Can't wait for next time! :-D
Wednesday, 17 June 2009
In hand!! Tonight was awful, Livvi was in la la land! I got more and more steamed up over la la land pony! The more frustrated I got the more she looked at me with a whats your problem look in her eyes...aaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrgggggggggg!
I should be pleased though, me being stressed a few weeks ago would have sent her into orbit and stress mode too! lol!
After 45 minutes...YES, 45 minutes, we eventually got 3 strides (well it was probably a bit more than that but!!!!) of slow controlled work on each rein!!! I quit while the going was good!
I should be pleased though, me being stressed a few weeks ago would have sent her into orbit and stress mode too! lol!
After 45 minutes...YES, 45 minutes, we eventually got 3 strides (well it was probably a bit more than that but!!!!) of slow controlled work on each rein!!! I quit while the going was good!
Tuesday, 16 June 2009
I am officialy rubbish at lunging!!
I decided that Livvi and I should do something a bit fittening today and a bit different so I lunged her off the halter, just getting her to walk and trot off my voice and then add in some poles. It went OK for the first bit, although she seems to get me moving almost as much as her!!! We did some poles and she was really stretching and working through her back but I struggle to steer her to get her straight fro them and Livvi knows that she has been round both ways and don't I know that its time to stop! lol!
So along comes Caragh (she is 17 and at equine college) says this is how you do it and after Livvi having a 2 minute, your not my mum moment, she goes absolutely perfectly....Caragh and I then put the poles into a small jump and Livvi loved it now that the person in charge is facing her where she needs to go, she isn't going to be a fast jumper but she can jump and I hope that once she gets a rider on board her enthusiasm continues.
Caragh is now ordered to Lunge Livvi once a week! lol! It will catually do Livvi good to have another person work her from time to time.
So along comes Caragh (she is 17 and at equine college) says this is how you do it and after Livvi having a 2 minute, your not my mum moment, she goes absolutely perfectly....Caragh and I then put the poles into a small jump and Livvi loved it now that the person in charge is facing her where she needs to go, she isn't going to be a fast jumper but she can jump and I hope that once she gets a rider on board her enthusiasm continues.
Caragh is now ordered to Lunge Livvi once a week! lol! It will catually do Livvi good to have another person work her from time to time.
Monday, 15 June 2009
Cracked it!
I have put the bit up and Livvi is much better, fiddling with it less and her tongue stayed where its meant too! We shall see if it lasts!
Gill made a comment that maybe she was doing it because of too strong a contact and that could be the case when we are long reining, not because I have a strong contact but because she is napping towards home slightly on a circle, sort of pulling me with her and therefor is creating the stong contact herself. She is better in the small paddock by the stables but this has too much grass and she wants to eat, so we have been in the bottom paddock further from the stables......hmmm, its a hard one!
Very pleased with Livvi though, she is getting the idea nicely, she walks and trots on comand on the circle and she is lovely and forward, she halts beautifully and really listens to me.....she got scared and spooked because a dog jumped at the fence in one of the gardens but came back to me really quickly.....I then took her in the big field nearest the orchard, we have never been there before, and although she was hesitant, she listened to me and walked on when I asked. :-D
If I have time tomorrow I am going to lunge her over poles, I want to see if she is pulling towards home on the lunge too. Then wednesday I shall do inhand work and then my dad will be there so its time for another sit on! :-D
Gill made a comment that maybe she was doing it because of too strong a contact and that could be the case when we are long reining, not because I have a strong contact but because she is napping towards home slightly on a circle, sort of pulling me with her and therefor is creating the stong contact herself. She is better in the small paddock by the stables but this has too much grass and she wants to eat, so we have been in the bottom paddock further from the stables......hmmm, its a hard one!
Very pleased with Livvi though, she is getting the idea nicely, she walks and trots on comand on the circle and she is lovely and forward, she halts beautifully and really listens to me.....she got scared and spooked because a dog jumped at the fence in one of the gardens but came back to me really quickly.....I then took her in the big field nearest the orchard, we have never been there before, and although she was hesitant, she listened to me and walked on when I asked. :-D
If I have time tomorrow I am going to lunge her over poles, I want to see if she is pulling towards home on the lunge too. Then wednesday I shall do inhand work and then my dad will be there so its time for another sit on! :-D
Saturday, 13 June 2009
Tongue over the bit!
Today we did some in hand work and then some long reining.. the in hand work didn't go so well, Livvi was walking through my hand, but it wasn't until we were long reining and she had her tongue over the bit that I realised she may have been doing it in hand!
It was very frustrating, she would be fine for a bit then I'd notice her go really mouthy and she had it over! Its quite funny though as she just lets you stick your finger in her mouth and poke it back!! lol! I put the cheek pieces up by 3 holes ( in total, not both sides) and I think she was OK at the end but I'm not sure if the bit is now too high!
I had brill fun long reining though, she did her first buck :-D all because she wasn't listening so I flicked the whip at her. She made me laugh, it was so half hearted. lol! We also went up the drive and she marched along happy as can be...we met Simon on the lawn mower and although she kept an eye and ear on it, she wasn't overly bothered. :-D
The more I do with her, the more I think she is ready for a rider! I was considering what is holding me back and there isn't anything, just my own fear that it will all go pear shaped I suppose! I told everyone that I needed to long rein for at leats 2 weeks after sitting on her, yet todays she proved that I don't need to be there for her to feel safe. The in hand work is fab and she is moving off my slightest touch and she is even starting to respond to my body language.
Livvi is so clever that once she has learnt something she gets bored, thats how it is with the in hand work, we repeat last times moves and she does it perfectly but if you keep persisting she gives you the whole I've just done that routine! My thought was to get on and get get hacking, to keep her interested whilst continuing schooling on long reins and in hand.
If you could see me now, I'm frowning!
It was very frustrating, she would be fine for a bit then I'd notice her go really mouthy and she had it over! Its quite funny though as she just lets you stick your finger in her mouth and poke it back!! lol! I put the cheek pieces up by 3 holes ( in total, not both sides) and I think she was OK at the end but I'm not sure if the bit is now too high!
I had brill fun long reining though, she did her first buck :-D all because she wasn't listening so I flicked the whip at her. She made me laugh, it was so half hearted. lol! We also went up the drive and she marched along happy as can be...we met Simon on the lawn mower and although she kept an eye and ear on it, she wasn't overly bothered. :-D
The more I do with her, the more I think she is ready for a rider! I was considering what is holding me back and there isn't anything, just my own fear that it will all go pear shaped I suppose! I told everyone that I needed to long rein for at leats 2 weeks after sitting on her, yet todays she proved that I don't need to be there for her to feel safe. The in hand work is fab and she is moving off my slightest touch and she is even starting to respond to my body language.
Livvi is so clever that once she has learnt something she gets bored, thats how it is with the in hand work, we repeat last times moves and she does it perfectly but if you keep persisting she gives you the whole I've just done that routine! My thought was to get on and get get hacking, to keep her interested whilst continuing schooling on long reins and in hand.
If you could see me now, I'm frowning!
Thursday, 11 June 2009
A nice little walk!
I was going to tack up and have another sit on last night but I rode Drummer who was really spooky after the dog incident and I didn't have the enthusiasm so we went for a walk. At first it was just going to be up the drive and back but we got there and I thought what the hell, lets go up the hill! So off we went and Livvi was a star! Its the first time she has been up the orchard without Drummer and she wasn't worried in the slightest. She had a good munch on the way up as the grass is at nose height!! lol! She was happy to plod along behind me and even walked past the "scary bag thats caught in the grass" with only an ear on it! :-D
I was worried about Livvi being spooky but I think as long as nothing really scares her, she may look worried but she will accept it and move on. She is very interested in her suroundings and I made sure she stayed focused on me by playing some games and asking for turns on the forehand and halts from time to time. Anyway, after climbing the hill I had had my exercise for the day!! lol!
I was worried about Livvi being spooky but I think as long as nothing really scares her, she may look worried but she will accept it and move on. She is very interested in her suroundings and I made sure she stayed focused on me by playing some games and asking for turns on the forehand and halts from time to time. Anyway, after climbing the hill I had had my exercise for the day!! lol!
Wednesday, 10 June 2009
Long reining!
Firstly, thank you so much everyone for your comments. Gill, your comment made my day and Vicky, Hello (waves) :-D
So last night we did some in hand work to start with, Livvi was a bit funny with her girth but I think she is in season....actually thats another story, she seems to fancy Bill, she keeps making amourous advances towards him but poor Bill has no idea and just looks paniced! lol! So funny!.....anyway, the in hand work was the best yet, she is amazing and its me struggling to keep up with her and her rather sharp mind! The left rein was so light she was like a feather!! Right has a way to go but its there! We are working on shoulder in but I'm a bit worried that she is going through her shoulder rather than having correct bend! I have to also watch that she doesn't disengage her hindquarters when we are on a circle, she is becoming far to flexible!!
Then for the first time, I started long reining...other than getting her tongue over the bit twice it went really well, she was a bit over bent at times but I was confident and so was she so we ventured into a bigger space and we even had a small trot! I did more on the right rein than the left, we are both less comfortable this way so I thought it was important. We did lots of transitions and she got the hang of it really quickly, she wants to turn and look at you when we stop though which turns us into a wiggly worm, lol! Then plenty of rein changes, she was so focused, both ears on me bless her, but she really tried and I much prefer it to lunging!
As for Drummer, his new saddle arrived, yipeeeeeeee! Its a 16" thorowgood pony club saddle and it fits him a treat, its had a bit of use but its fab! I had a ride in it Tuesday and he was really forward, I even popped a jump and think that I might stick with it for jumping, over the Fhoenix, I can't block him in the same way! I think my mum might find it easier and it was better for my hip!
So last night we did some in hand work to start with, Livvi was a bit funny with her girth but I think she is in season....actually thats another story, she seems to fancy Bill, she keeps making amourous advances towards him but poor Bill has no idea and just looks paniced! lol! So funny!.....anyway, the in hand work was the best yet, she is amazing and its me struggling to keep up with her and her rather sharp mind! The left rein was so light she was like a feather!! Right has a way to go but its there! We are working on shoulder in but I'm a bit worried that she is going through her shoulder rather than having correct bend! I have to also watch that she doesn't disengage her hindquarters when we are on a circle, she is becoming far to flexible!!
Then for the first time, I started long reining...other than getting her tongue over the bit twice it went really well, she was a bit over bent at times but I was confident and so was she so we ventured into a bigger space and we even had a small trot! I did more on the right rein than the left, we are both less comfortable this way so I thought it was important. We did lots of transitions and she got the hang of it really quickly, she wants to turn and look at you when we stop though which turns us into a wiggly worm, lol! Then plenty of rein changes, she was so focused, both ears on me bless her, but she really tried and I much prefer it to lunging!
As for Drummer, his new saddle arrived, yipeeeeeeee! Its a 16" thorowgood pony club saddle and it fits him a treat, its had a bit of use but its fab! I had a ride in it Tuesday and he was really forward, I even popped a jump and think that I might stick with it for jumping, over the Fhoenix, I can't block him in the same way! I think my mum might find it easier and it was better for my hip!
Tuesday, 9 June 2009
I thought it was probably time for an update!!
Firstly, a picture speaks 1000 words!

Yes!!! I got on her! Yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! She is VERY wide and I am going to struggle in my Fhoenix standard but for the moment, it serves a purpose!
Our relationship is great, actually its almost too great, I wanted to get on her but she wouldn't stand still for anyone else, hence why we resorted to grass! Now I have to persuade her that she can move and its not all about eating! lol! I'm not planning on that yet though, I want to consolidate the in hand work and do some long reining to get her used to me being further away!.......I have done some lunging but it winds her up, where as the in hand work she is calm and focused!
My other problem is desensitising her. Yesterday she totally stressed because Drummer went in (he wasn't working with us) BUT if no one is around to start with, she focuses on me! I suppose this will come with time! I also need to get her out and about a bit more, she feels very secure on the yard and in the paddock but the minute you leave she is on high alert. I feel vulnerable leading her though as she feels apt to run me over!!
Nearly 9 weeks though so I am grinning from ear to ear! I adore Livvi, she is fab!

Yes!!! I got on her! Yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! She is VERY wide and I am going to struggle in my Fhoenix standard but for the moment, it serves a purpose!
Our relationship is great, actually its almost too great, I wanted to get on her but she wouldn't stand still for anyone else, hence why we resorted to grass! Now I have to persuade her that she can move and its not all about eating! lol! I'm not planning on that yet though, I want to consolidate the in hand work and do some long reining to get her used to me being further away!.......I have done some lunging but it winds her up, where as the in hand work she is calm and focused!
My other problem is desensitising her. Yesterday she totally stressed because Drummer went in (he wasn't working with us) BUT if no one is around to start with, she focuses on me! I suppose this will come with time! I also need to get her out and about a bit more, she feels very secure on the yard and in the paddock but the minute you leave she is on high alert. I feel vulnerable leading her though as she feels apt to run me over!!
Nearly 9 weeks though so I am grinning from ear to ear! I adore Livvi, she is fab!
Wednesday, 3 June 2009
Playing with poles
Well, last night I decided that lunging was boring so we would forget the bridle, side reins and roller, stick on the halter and get some poles out!
Miss uncoordinated was surprisingly OK! We had a few minor misshaps as Livvi couldn't decide where her feet belong! and she got more and more excited by the game and slipped on the grass so we had to chill out with a walk and call it a day. But we managed some nice work and a raised pole at the end which she trotted over nicely, no leaps and to be honest I think this benefited her more than side reins and lunging!
Tonight I think I will do some in hand work and maybe some long reining.
As for Drummer, he is getting on so well with his little sharer, last night they went for a big walk round the woods and orchard and that does him the world of good.
I have found him a treed saddle on ebay at last, its a 16" xw thorowgood pony club saddle so can't wait for that to arrive, I want to try it to see if it makes him different to the Fhoenix!
Miss uncoordinated was surprisingly OK! We had a few minor misshaps as Livvi couldn't decide where her feet belong! and she got more and more excited by the game and slipped on the grass so we had to chill out with a walk and call it a day. But we managed some nice work and a raised pole at the end which she trotted over nicely, no leaps and to be honest I think this benefited her more than side reins and lunging!
Tonight I think I will do some in hand work and maybe some long reining.
As for Drummer, he is getting on so well with his little sharer, last night they went for a big walk round the woods and orchard and that does him the world of good.
I have found him a treed saddle on ebay at last, its a 16" xw thorowgood pony club saddle so can't wait for that to arrive, I want to try it to see if it makes him different to the Fhoenix!
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