My mum came to ride Drummer last night. She is doing really well, she even got him to canter! he was dead lazy at first though and I had to get on him to wind him up a bit!! My mum doesn't have the confidence and he knows it and plods! He Probably gets a bit bored too!
I left Livvi in the field on her own for a bit but the minute all the horses were out of sight she started trotting up and down the fence so I went back and got her in. She calmed down instantly. I don't know how much is anxiety and how much is a bit of a tantrum...the reason I say this is because the minute she sees you she starts waving her front leg about and pawing the ground which is something she does when she thinks its tea time or standing still is boring! I wil keep you posted about that one.
Anyway, onto the interesting bit...we went for a walk right round the orchard :-D my mum came behind on Drummer but Livvi lead all the way, she was a star! At first I was wary of her spooking and mowing me down as she was so interested in everything she only had half an ear on me, but we were fine...she sniffed her way along scenting everything and swinging her head from side to side to have a good look round. I couldn't have been more pleased with her. I am hoping to do this a couple of times a week and then progress to long reining when I think she is ready...I'm also planning to take her out of the yard for a walk round the housing estate once we havethe orchard under our belt!
Tuesday, 28 April 2009
Monday, 27 April 2009
Content in her stable
I am yipeeeeeeee tonight!! :-D Livvi came in for well over an hour and mooched in her stable whilst I trimmed Drums feet and walked the dog etc and then when I put them out I took Drummer and Shadow 1st and left her alone for a good 10 minutes and she didn't bat an eyelid!! So the first step to being happy to be left! :-D
On another note, do you like her new bridle, its back in the end but simple and I think just the perfect size of noseband.

Saturday, 25 April 2009
2 weeks on!
Well, its definitely been interesting!!! I certainly didn't have huge vets bills in mind the day that Olivia arrived but there is a positive side to it all, she seems to be trusting me more and recognises me coming!
Olivia is now officially Livvi....its Helens spelling...Olivia is too much of a mouthful so I kept calling her Liv which annoyed me but I like Livvi! :-D
Today I rode Drummer, but I was having one of those days where I couldn't actually ride so we gave up on schooling and played at being cowboys! I watched the TV program on tuesday about it and I quite fancy taking Drum western, he goes well on a loose rein and will neck rein nicely!
Olivia was a good girl (again!!lol!) and stood in for ages, I made a note not to put hay on the floor though as she pees on it!!! I think she may be in season actually but as this is my first mare, I'm not really sure!!!
We went for a short walk around the field and she followed beautifully until the mares in the other field started galloping about and then she completely ignored me..I worked at gently drawing her attention back to me and lots of halts... she still wouldn't focus on me at all though (the mares were now just stood watching her) and she nearly knocked me flying so I got BIG and backed her up by waving my arms....(I have tried just squaring my shoulders and using eye contact but she looks over my head!!) but this did it, she backed up and suddenly she took note of where I was, she was licking and chewing and looking at me!...I didn't overdo it, praised her for her attention on me, walked a circle with a couple of halts and then stopped....I felt that I had actually achieved something, I didn't get cross or agressive and I only did it once but I made her think!
Olivia is now officially Livvi....its Helens spelling...Olivia is too much of a mouthful so I kept calling her Liv which annoyed me but I like Livvi! :-D
Today I rode Drummer, but I was having one of those days where I couldn't actually ride so we gave up on schooling and played at being cowboys! I watched the TV program on tuesday about it and I quite fancy taking Drum western, he goes well on a loose rein and will neck rein nicely!
Olivia was a good girl (again!!lol!) and stood in for ages, I made a note not to put hay on the floor though as she pees on it!!! I think she may be in season actually but as this is my first mare, I'm not really sure!!!
We went for a short walk around the field and she followed beautifully until the mares in the other field started galloping about and then she completely ignored me..I worked at gently drawing her attention back to me and lots of halts... she still wouldn't focus on me at all though (the mares were now just stood watching her) and she nearly knocked me flying so I got BIG and backed her up by waving my arms....(I have tried just squaring my shoulders and using eye contact but she looks over my head!!) but this did it, she backed up and suddenly she took note of where I was, she was licking and chewing and looking at me!...I didn't overdo it, praised her for her attention on me, walked a circle with a couple of halts and then stopped....I felt that I had actually achieved something, I didn't get cross or agressive and I only did it once but I made her think!
Vet returned
and everything is looking fab! :-D Stitches can come out next Friday :-D
Olivia was funny with the vet, this was Elsbeth, not Rob from last week, and she was extremely suspicious of this woman who only wanted to stare at her bum!! She wouldn't let her touch it and we went round and round in circles and tried to run away but once Elsbeth came back to her head and let her sniff her for a bit longer she stood still. She would then let me stare at her bum but still not the vet!
I then realised that it is all new people...a friend of mine popped over who isn't that keen on horses and Olivia insisted on sniffing her thoroughly, much to my friends horror!! lol!
Anyway,on a side note, what do you make of this?...need sound!
Olivia was funny with the vet, this was Elsbeth, not Rob from last week, and she was extremely suspicious of this woman who only wanted to stare at her bum!! She wouldn't let her touch it and we went round and round in circles and tried to run away but once Elsbeth came back to her head and let her sniff her for a bit longer she stood still. She would then let me stare at her bum but still not the vet!
I then realised that it is all new people...a friend of mine popped over who isn't that keen on horses and Olivia insisted on sniffing her thoroughly, much to my friends horror!! lol!
Anyway,on a side note, what do you make of this?...need sound!
Sunday, 19 April 2009
A great day with a terrible end :-(
I was going to post about my fab fun ride on Drummer and how fantasticly Olivia has been doing and I will later to cheer myself up.....but this says it all!
A 6 inch gouge in Olivias flank, nearly to the bone at the hip, it looks like she did it on the bolt that holds the hinge on the gate, the vet was fantastic and very reasuring, she has internal stitches too!...he said taking after photos was no good, lol! I should have taken a before! It was pretty gruesome though.
I am amazed at her tolerance for pain, if that had been me, I would have passed out on the floor and had to go to hospital with an overnight stay! As it was, she didn't even take a lame step!
We discussed her staying in and I told him how stressed she gets and thank goodness he was fine with her going out as I said she is very calm out and doesn't run around.
My poor broken baby, I just want to cry!
Thursday, 16 April 2009
Revolting day!
Nothing to do with the horses but what horrid weather!!
Interestingly, Olivia seems to be the only one who doesn' t mind, where as everyone else sulked! lol!
My friend Manda from work popped over today, she knows absolutely nothing about horses and is kind of nervous around them but she liked Olivia, said she was pretty :-D but and she was also in awe of how high she pickes up her, I've watched her on the lunge at Gills and know what lovely paces she has but I hadn't really looked in walk and WOW, she really does!!
She meets new things every day at our yard, today it was the forklift and a van parked right on the yard! She huffed and puffed a bit but I just took it slowly and walked round the van twice..I think what she didn't like, was that the space round the edge, was quite enclosed but she was very good and followed me without rushing.
I think Olivia actually enjoyed being in her stable out of the rain for a bit...I was really pleased with her, she stood in for a good hour with some hay and seemed quite relaxed, she liked the dual aspect of the stable so that she can have a good nosey at whats going on in both directions!
Interestingly, Olivia seems to be the only one who doesn' t mind, where as everyone else sulked! lol!
My friend Manda from work popped over today, she knows absolutely nothing about horses and is kind of nervous around them but she liked Olivia, said she was pretty :-D but and she was also in awe of how high she pickes up her, I've watched her on the lunge at Gills and know what lovely paces she has but I hadn't really looked in walk and WOW, she really does!!
She meets new things every day at our yard, today it was the forklift and a van parked right on the yard! She huffed and puffed a bit but I just took it slowly and walked round the van twice..I think what she didn't like, was that the space round the edge, was quite enclosed but she was very good and followed me without rushing.
I think Olivia actually enjoyed being in her stable out of the rain for a bit...I was really pleased with her, she stood in for a good hour with some hay and seemed quite relaxed, she liked the dual aspect of the stable so that she can have a good nosey at whats going on in both directions!
Wednesday, 15 April 2009
A grand day out...or something like that!
Today I took Drummer jumpies at Allens hill, we arrives at 10.30 to find thatthere was no one there as it only just stopped raining! So loads of time to prat about....took Drummer in the 1'9" amd we came third!! but there were only 5 in it!!! Caragh took him in the 2' but she had a pole, he was such a good boy though!

Then I took Maries horse Billy in the 2'3" but the trouble is I don't know him well enough and I was terrified!!! My jumping style is naf and I didn't ride him forward enough, consequently we had a refusal. Never mind! :-D
So the troupes returned to the yard with Drummer the top show jumper at the moment!
So, Olivia! :-D
She came in and had a good groom! She is actually the best groomed pony in Britain! lol! But she is very satisfying to groom, she adores it and stands rock still the whole time! Not like Drummer sho can't wait for you to bugger off and leave him alone!! So, I left her standing tied up with Shadow for company and she was happy to chill...for a bit!! Then she started pawing the ground so we just ignored her and after a bit, she stopped!! Its just boredom and impatience, next she ate a headcollar, then she turned round to look at Shadow, then she fidget top look in a stable..but...she was very good!
Well, then the farrier rang and said he could come in half an hour so one thing lead to another as we had time on our hands and we tried the fit of my 17" Fhoenix...bit far forward I think. She liked the stirrups and ate them!

And she was quite good for the farrier, just tried to stand on him once! lol! He was very patient!
So a really good day :-D
Tuesday, 14 April 2009
Olivia and the bike
This says it all really
It wasn't a horse but it moved and it was very exciting when it went round in circles and had to be chased! Then we had to buck and canter round in circles too!! But for good measure, then it became terrifying until my new mum got off it and then maybe it was edible!
If I can post some vid I will but none of the chase I'm afraid, I had a rubbish camera woman, my mum! lol! It was her bike. Olivia was hugely curious but not really scared by the bike, I just think she thinks the world has gone mad at the moment!
Anyway, she was a good girl I sound like a stuck record!? :-D She didn't fret when Drummer came in and went off and grazed on her own, then when she did come in, the yard was really busy with people and horses and although she was interested in everything, she took it all in her stride. Then at tea time she ate calmly and was content to mooch in her stable for a good 15 minutes while I pratted about! So that IS good :-D
Drummer had a mane and tail wash as we are going out tomorrow, but I couldn't resist this!!!

and my mum and dad with Drummer

Monday, 13 April 2009
Well I was going to ride and then Don wanted to go out and then in the end all we did was walk the dog and then by 4pm I just couldn't be bothered to ride! I just enjoyed mooching and poo picking instead.
Drummer and Olivia are getting on so well, its hilarious, they are both covered in each others dry slobber and poor Olivia has mouthfuls of white hair. Lol! He is happy living with her and the other boys drool jealously over the fence.
Anyway, today I left Drummer out and got Olivia in on her own. She was as good as gold. Simon (YO's son) came and washed his motor bike with the pressure washer so we went and had a look.....she huffed and puffed but it was more curiosity than nerves....she is just like Drummer in that way "Ooo thats scary, lets go and look at it!" lol! When Simon started the washer she hid behind me and then peered out but soon came back to investigate :-D Our yard is a good one for despooking, lots going on and she is a brave girlie, just tentative,
I gave her a good groom and she stood for that but gets impatient when there is nothing going on and starts pawing the floor, this is where I am going to use the clicker I think. We also did the same exercise as yesterday and she even backed up when I took a step back....I am going to keep working on this every day as I would like to take her on in hand hacks to get her out and about and seeing things. I don't want to involve the clicker with leading etc, this should be about both our manners, our trust in each other and respecting each others space, it's nothing to do with "training" just us getting to know and understand each other.
Caragh and Marie met Olivia for the first time, they both liked her although moaned about me having a girl. I think once they all settle there won't be any problem at all, she will just be one of the gang. Caragh thinks she looks dopey so that shows how chilled out she must be looking after only 3 days ;-D
I am totaly in love with her by the way! :-D
Drummer and Olivia are getting on so well, its hilarious, they are both covered in each others dry slobber and poor Olivia has mouthfuls of white hair. Lol! He is happy living with her and the other boys drool jealously over the fence.
Anyway, today I left Drummer out and got Olivia in on her own. She was as good as gold. Simon (YO's son) came and washed his motor bike with the pressure washer so we went and had a look.....she huffed and puffed but it was more curiosity than nerves....she is just like Drummer in that way "Ooo thats scary, lets go and look at it!" lol! When Simon started the washer she hid behind me and then peered out but soon came back to investigate :-D Our yard is a good one for despooking, lots going on and she is a brave girlie, just tentative,
I gave her a good groom and she stood for that but gets impatient when there is nothing going on and starts pawing the floor, this is where I am going to use the clicker I think. We also did the same exercise as yesterday and she even backed up when I took a step back....I am going to keep working on this every day as I would like to take her on in hand hacks to get her out and about and seeing things. I don't want to involve the clicker with leading etc, this should be about both our manners, our trust in each other and respecting each others space, it's nothing to do with "training" just us getting to know and understand each other.
Caragh and Marie met Olivia for the first time, they both liked her although moaned about me having a girl. I think once they all settle there won't be any problem at all, she will just be one of the gang. Caragh thinks she looks dopey so that shows how chilled out she must be looking after only 3 days ;-D
I am totaly in love with her by the way! :-D
Sunday, 12 April 2009
A relationship started!
Today I have had a lovely day, my sister came over to ride an as I have beenlooking after Maries horses we had one each to ride. I played jumpies on Bill, which is great fun compared to Drummer as we actually jump!! lol!
Anyway, back to the girlie....she came to say hello when we arrived but when we got Drummer in she started to stress..we tied him in sight and she chilled out, plus Brook and Shadow stood near the fence to keep her wasn't until we pooh picked and they followed us down the field that she got wound up....I don't know how to deal with seperation anxiety!! I have just ignored it for the moment and hope that she learns that they will come back. I know I shouldn't worry, we have a long way to go but I think it may be our biggest hurdle.
When I got Olivia in she was quite stressed but I took her for a walk round the car park and I was REALLY pleased with her....she started by almost totally ignoring me, everything had her eyes on stalks, but I persisted with changes of direction and halts and although she was not looking at me, she followed!! Gradually I asked her to look at me, gently turning her head in my direction and as she relaxed I asked more of her, turning on the haunches and backing up a step etc. The whole session was no more than 10 minutes and at first I thought I had made a mistake trying, she was not concentrating on me and it took me half of that time to even get her attention, but I'm glad I did....suddenly her eye softened and her head lowered and she started to lick and chew, accepting me and following me. A relationship started!
Anyway, back to the girlie....she came to say hello when we arrived but when we got Drummer in she started to stress..we tied him in sight and she chilled out, plus Brook and Shadow stood near the fence to keep her wasn't until we pooh picked and they followed us down the field that she got wound up....I don't know how to deal with seperation anxiety!! I have just ignored it for the moment and hope that she learns that they will come back. I know I shouldn't worry, we have a long way to go but I think it may be our biggest hurdle.
When I got Olivia in she was quite stressed but I took her for a walk round the car park and I was REALLY pleased with her....she started by almost totally ignoring me, everything had her eyes on stalks, but I persisted with changes of direction and halts and although she was not looking at me, she followed!! Gradually I asked her to look at me, gently turning her head in my direction and as she relaxed I asked more of her, turning on the haunches and backing up a step etc. The whole session was no more than 10 minutes and at first I thought I had made a mistake trying, she was not concentrating on me and it took me half of that time to even get her attention, but I'm glad I did....suddenly her eye softened and her head lowered and she started to lick and chew, accepting me and following me. A relationship started!
Saturday, 11 April 2009
Settling in day
Well, I went up this afternoon at about 1pm to find her stood with Shadow in the corner but covered in dry sweat (she had been find this morning) so obviously something had gone on...Rudy said she was fine until the others wandered off and then she started cantering up and down the fence!!
I got Olivia in for a good groom, she was such a good girlie, a bit huffy puffy at all the strange things on our yard but she stood and enjoyed her fuss and let me groom her all over and do all 4 feet. She then went in Shadows stable for her tea and although she got a bit stressy and went from door to door she ate calmly and just looked a bit mystified by everything!
Turn out is when the problem occured, she went out fine, the others went in their field and then they walked of!!!!!! So this is how Olivia got all sweaty, she just ran up and down the fence looking for them.....bless Shadow, he looked back once in sympathy but had to follow his herd. Anyway, problem now solved Olivia is now living with Drummer like they are old mates and its the first time I have seen her venture more then 3 feet from the fence line!
A few extra thoughts!
Olivia is going to struggle most with seperation from ther others, she seems fine when people are there though, so I am hoping that when she is worked on her own this will not cause a problem. The potential problem arrises when everyone else is out on a hack!
I also have Michael Peace to thank for my calm day...I am very impressed with alot of what he says and even though I was swirling inside with stupid nerves (not scared ones but butterflies of adrenalin I think) I thought about breathing calmly, taking the lead and praising every small try from her. She seemed to respond really well and even enjoyed me hugging her! lol!
Well, she's here!
Traveled well and settled well, we were really pleased.
Every one enjoyed meeting her over the fence but Brook decided he was hers and didn't like anyone else near her, lots of squabbling and poor Drummer was desperate to say hello but no one would let him.
I can't wait to get working with her, she is my beautiful girl!
Every one enjoyed meeting her over the fence but Brook decided he was hers and didn't like anyone else near her, lots of squabbling and poor Drummer was desperate to say hello but no one would let him.
I can't wait to get working with her, she is my beautiful girl!
Friday, 10 April 2009
Olivias arrival

Today (hopefully)I become the proud mum to another pony, this one is oversized at 15hh but a beautiful Dales mare to be sister to my Dartmoor pony gelding Drummer.
Olivia is complicated and sensitive, she was started as a 3 year old but it didn't work, she is now nearly 6 and I am planning to take my time and hopefuly I will end up with my horse for life.
I am hugely over excited about the whole thing but also rather nervous as I don't want to get this wrong. I have faith in myself and what I want to achieve and I have back up from lots of people when I need help so I'm hoping this will be an adventure that lasts many happy years!
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